Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I got my Sun back on my Birthday

Birthday day was great!

I woke early, because of Rowan, but went back to sleep. The sun came up shining for the first time in what felt like ages and I was greeted with a hug and a kiss from Liam.

He passed me a card (made by a company called '5 dollar shake' which is *so* cool, if you like Pulp Fiction) and inside he had written that he's loved me for another year and it feels great. The children piled in then and had to put up with the boring grown-upness of me wanting to open my cards before my presents. They had made me a card each, with stickers and pom-poms all over the place, very sweet.

I then received a good sized box of Millies Cookies, which made me probably more happy than it should have, especially considering my giant one downstairs! I also found out that Liam had peeked at my blog after hearing I had a wishlist on here, as I got a pair of boots, a dress and scarf that I liked together (belt is to follow apparently) and a Wonder Woman compact mirror!

It was all very lovely, and just as lovely was getting to drink a cup of tea in bed with a box of the best cookies in the world (seriously, I would be in heaven if I found a decent recipe to match) while Liam got the children washed and dressed.

I had a text message from Sarah (SIL) asking if she and her mum could come over for 9:30 and sorry if that was too early. I said no problem and then Liam told me he was taking the children out! They had one more gift for me but they had to go collect it, I was most surprised!

So I quickly tidied up the front room and jumped in to the shower. Well - I couldn't have Pauline over in a dump house could I? even on my birthday, lol. I didn't do too much though - left things to be taken up to everyone else when they got back (It wasn't my stuff) and told them so when I heard the door open. When I got out of the shower I shouted down to the children to grab some babywipes each and clean grubby spots off the floor - they Love doing that for some reason.

I was called downstairs before I had the chance to get dressed, and you'd never guess what they had bought me. Only a blummin' great big electric guitar!!! I've not even played a guitar since I was 7, so that will be fun! But for now it's fun to hold, and occasionally pose with... As you can see above, somehow I've never been able to put pictures in the right places on my blog!

I changed in to my 80's gear - not going to the roller disco was no reason for me to waste such a cool outfit. I had a yellow Rainbow Brite t-shirt, rainbow knee high socks and armwarmers that I made (out of more socks) to match. I'd also found a rainbow belt with a strawberry clasp on Ebay, very 80's, very cool!
And shortly after, my inlaws were at the door. It was lovely have people that matter over. Pauline, Sarah and Ashleigh all gave me a hug and a card. Sarah had bought me a Britney Fantasy perfume set - I adore that scent! It's like sweeties. She also brought sweets for the children 'in case they feel left out' - lol!
Then Bryan came over and Liam's family left. Bryan hung around for quite a while. I'm not sure if he was more over for Liam (he was helping Liam out filling in a character reference form) or to see me, but he did bring a card and a cheerful mug with mum-stuff on. I think he likes the parents that me and Liam are to our children, but he makes me realise that some people out there see me as mum and just about a mum only - so it's not just my children that think that!
I cut up my delicious cookie using a pizza cutter (hehe) and we munched on it all day. I wrapped some up for the girls at Discovery Planet and took along Laura's 'Godmother' soap that I had bought at Lush the day before. Liam didn't understand why I had got her a gift, I think. But this all comes back to me not wanting to dwell on the bad stuff.
We headed for the chinese restaurant first, but it was shut! So we went to Surrey Quays, saw Laura and hung around there eating lots of fruit (I bloody spent £10 on blueberries, strawberries and grapes!) and chatting with Bryan.
When I went over to Laura, she (hesitantly?) asked me if I wanted to go to the Roller Disco with her and some people from work. I said yes, OK without really giving it much thought. She said I could come and show them the way, as they hadn't been before. Then she asked me again if I would come. A little while later she said 'So do you want to come Roller Disco? I think it could be really fun...' and I cut her off saying that I told her yes, and that she'd asked me 3 times!
Maybe she was feeling bad, I think that's possible. It's obvious that my birthday plans got completely and utterly fucked, and I have pointed out to more than one person that if I ever plan anything for my birthday again, they are to point me in the direction of my blog! And I know that she feels partly responsible.
I think it's because I knwo that she takes some responsibility that I can let it go. If she didn't care at all then it would eat at me a bit, I'm sure. But I can't be bothered devoting attention to it now.
Liam was sorely pissed off when I told him about the Roller Disco. Bryan was also invited and I think he didn't knwo what to make of that. I think he was with Liam, wondering why I would ever agree to that, after the huge let down I had so recently experienced. I'll admit that a small argument erupted over the table between me and Liam, which Bryan and the kids in between us. We did keep it low though, and I ended it ASAP.
Liam thinks that I jump every time my 'friends' (and yes, I can hear his inverted commas when he says 'friends') call, even though they do nothing for me. I pointed out that I don't jump at all. I see the opportunity for a good night out and I take it - it has nothing to do with feeling duty bound or anything, I just want to have fun. I don't expect anything back anymore though.
Bryan escaped to the hairdressers, and we made our way to the restaurant. I found out that Liam had been freaking out about my outfit, apparently I had gained more than a couple of looks over the day and he wasn't happy. He said he had spoken sharply to a couple of blokes when I was on my way to the toilets, because they had commented on me. My thinking is that bright must attract attention, because I sure wasn't showing much more skin than many women normally do in that area, but I hope I didn't upset Liam too much all the same. I enjoyed being bright though, and had fun.
The Chinese food was yummy -but we ordered far too much! I only wanted Prawn Toast and Crispy Seaweed, but I got that as a table food and ordered a main for myself. We forgot how little the kids eat, and ordered a plate for each of them, plus Liam ordered a couple more table things - I think we only got through just over half of what we ordered! Fortunately, as it is also a takeaway, they put loads in cartons for us to take home. The children were fantastically behaved while there, even Rowan who was obviously tired and feeling a little poorly. He held himself back from tantrumming at one point, which left me most impressed!
We dropped the food off at Liam's parents and went home. We were supposed to check on the allotment, but it was late at this point.
At home we got the children in to bed and I read them two chapters (normally only one) of "The Magician's Nephew", as it was my birthday and I Love that book! They went to sleep really well and were very pleased that I had a good birthday. I was glad that me and Liam weren't going out, no rushing to get ready, just relaxing.
I tried a glass of wine, but couldn't drink any more as I was so full from the dinner. I think I may have managed a bit more cookie though!
We were definitely thankful that we didn't go out later that night, as Rowan was sick after a coughing fit. I wouldn't have wanted to leave Ashleigh with that to deal with and I was glad that we were there for Rowan. Liam was tired. He went to bed and I followed him up. I wasn't really tired and didn't want to sleep though, so as soon as I thought he was asleep I got up and went downstairs to play with my guitar....
It was a good day, and I hope that all my birthdays are such relaxed fun in future. Preferably without the pain in the weeks beforehand!

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