Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fitness and Weightloss

Well I've not been weighed for a week or two now, and I had been awful on the food until recently.
This week I have been trying to make more effort, the past few days have been good for eating I think. But half term isn't as good because I do so much less walking without the school runs. Rowan wants to go to Kung Fu with his daddy and siblings, so now I go too. It's only an hour and really really light exercise as it's aimed for children, but it's more than I was doing I guess.

Means I fall behind on the washing and drying at home though!

I now have a sports bra and briefs, and a suitable pair of trainers for exercise. I'm jogging around the park a (very) little with Tonks in the mornings, but only if no one is there. It's a dual benefit thing - I want to get used to jogging and it kind of adds a 'pack' element to my relationship with her that I hope will help with training.
I'm only managing about 1 minute max though!

I have the 'Pelvicore' DVD, watched it last night and have been clenching ever since. I hope to get on with actually following it along at some point today. Hopefully it will help me tone my belly a bit, but more importantly, condition my pelvic floor so that I can get on with proper fitness stuff. If I stick with it that is.

I really wanted to do the race for life - it's become my 'thing'. I've always wanted to but never have. But it's on the same day Liam does KungFu and he doesn't seem to happy about having the children there while I run.
So there you go. This was suppose to be a post to say that I've signed up for the Race for Life but it's tuned in to a misery one instead. I know I could try to find a babysitter, or different venue etc, but it's just seeming to be not meant to be and I would really, really have liked his support.

...Gah! Men and Women eh?
Now Liam isn't going to the allotment because I'm 'obviously in a mood' and he doesn't want to upset me more. But all I've wanted is for a response along the lines of 'well done for going for it with the race for life this year' - he knows I've wanted to do it for years since it started but never had the guts If he thought about it he'd remember that my biological nan died from breast cancer, my mum's mum is dying from cancer and it's a subject close to my heart.
If he felt he really couldn't deal with all three of our kids that sunday then why not say something like 'I'm really sorry I don't think I'll be able to control them all and keep to the class - I'll hep you find a babysitter though.' ?! What's wrong with a bit of support for a scaredy non-exerciser?
And why why why can't men read women's minds?! And why does this have to be today with PMT hormonal me with a sore belly?

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