Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Bunny Picnic

Went well!
Scarlett and her little friend are both so shy, but actually managed to talk to each other a bit today, in between feeding their bunnies and munching on their own 'picnic' food. We had to rush Asda in order to get he food in before guests arrived - I don't know what is happening there; all of a sudden Asda seems to be constantly packed, yet they never open more tills! Having friends over is good though - we get a good kick up the bum to tidy up, lol! But it probably means that so much stuff has been chucked in my room I'll barely be able to reach my bed...

Liam spent his time at the allotment today, just digging over really, as it's still too cold for planting most stuff. He found some old potatoes in the part he was going to plant some of his own in, which apparently isn't good, as you aren't supposed to plant two lots of potatoes in the same place because of bacterias.
I wish we could take Tonks there. I understand why dogs are not allowed, of course, but it would be so handy in getting her walking, and me out of the house more. I hate being too scared to walk her as much as I want to.

Not much else got done today, but I had a really nice relaxing time with the mum of Scarlett's friend. The boys were both quite well behaved, I'm glad to say, but I do wonder if Scarlett and her friend may have interacted better without the noisy boys present.
Still, there's a party tomorrow, so a chance to be a socialite for Scarlett once again!

I'm actually starting to get tired - it's taken a while! It's midnight now and we have had a busy day with dashing about to the shops etc. Liam's been asleep on the sofa for ages, he had a big fight channel on TV and I didn't want to turn over in case that woke him up - how silly do I sound?! Even though he is asleep I prefer to keep him close when I am up.

I've been looking more at the council housing bidding site - it's pretty pants. I can't find any 3 bedroomed places at all. I shall have to keep looking, in case there is a certain day when things get offered, you never know.

I'd better be getting off now, I've been bored stiff for ages and now am tired, yet still up! Hhmmm, I really hope I've washed Liam's kung fu stuff this time...

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