Sunday, February 3, 2008

Agh I'm so nervous

My tutor for this year's OU course phoned me yesterday to introduce herself.

1, this makes everything more real, and makes the course more NOW and not 'some time in the future'

2, I have found out that the tutorials with her are on Wednesday evenings - the night DH teaches Kung Fu! So I can't go to them at all. I can go to tutorials with another tutor, but I find it's really not the same - I want to know what my tutor expects of me, as she is the one that will be marking my work.

3, I've realised that my course started yesterday. Yes, YESTERDAY. And I'm only half way through the third book of my long booklist of which I am supposed to try to read before the course starts. I did start reading ages ago, but obviously not got far - which leads me to wonder whether I can get anywhere on this course at all?!
I also haven't ordered the last book needed (that can't be bought in shops apparently) and I don't have most of the books from my book list yet, but borrowing them from the library until I get my book grant.

It's a level 2 course now, which apparently is a fair step up from level one (last year I did level one) and I don't even feel like I can leanon DH too much, as he starts his Law Degree in earnest this month.

Oh bugger, I really am nervous now - I haven't even started to look at my work books yet. Eep.

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