Thursday, April 10, 2008

so the plan is...

The plan is (or was?) to get my coil out, at some point while Liam is off work, he's off work from today, for a week.
So why haven't I talked to him about it?

I've been trying to for about 2 weeks now, and yet every time I open up my mouth I get choked. Can't he even see it in me?
There's been so many uncomfortable silences recently. I'll give him a big hug and then want to say something, but I don't. I can't.

As I get in to bed, I want to say something, and I'm sure that as I doze off I try to speak. Probably comes out incoherent mumblings, but in my head it's a whole conversation.

I just want to ask him how he is feeling about it all now. to ask him if he is ready to support me and go through with it all.

I think that the reason I can not is because I am so, so scared that he will say he is not.
What if he is unwilling to help me? Doesn't want to come along to the clinic - or worse still, comes, but begrudgingly. I hate that.
He knows that I'm scared of internals and I need his support. He promised to give it but what if he's changed his mind?

I it's think the lack of talking about it from him - and when I say 'lack' I really mean NOTHING - AT - ALL. If he's saying nothing is he really thinking nothing on it? Or is he actually thinking such terrible thoughts that he does not want to share them with me?

I know I can cope, he knows that I cope. I know that he can cope and I will take up the extra when he needs to study. It will be no trouble at all once I'm off my course, less sleep but *far* less head-space to fill, and besides, it will actually be something I enjoy.

Maybe when we are together he looks at me differently than I think.
Does he see my scars? Does he look at my imperfections as an indication that I can never manage? I see the scars on my arms are fading away, there's not so many that are visible anymore, just the deepest ones.
My legs are a different matter, I'm not sure that all of them will ever go, and I'm certain that my biggest wrist one will be with me until the day I die. There's a certain irony in saying that...

So does he see me as a failure? I've promised I can cope, but I need to talk about these things. He knows that, I am 100% certain he knows that I need to talk. But I get no openings.

He keeps threatening to read this blog. I'm sure that he does not, but there's a part of me that's beyond caring now anyway. I can't talk to him after all, and everyone online must be sick of me going on about the same old stuff, and I could never say all this to my real life friends and family.
I feel so lonely sometimes.

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