Thursday, April 3, 2008

Here I go again on my own

Ever so lone lone lone lone lonelyyyyyyyy....

It's a song - cut me some slack, it's hard to get on here!
So this evening went like this;
  • Home - get children's coats off and badger them in to getting changed
  • Carry on nagging them while trying to read email from tutor (yeay!)
  • Feed children while trying to read emails
  • Help Rowan and give up reading emails
  • Get dates for BF peer support training (yeay!) on calender
  • Liam gets home - Liam cooks
  • Liam moans at children for moaning
  • Wake Rowan up for dinner (biiig mistake)
  • Try to calm Rowan down
  • Try to calm Liam down (Rowan pissing him off)
  • Try to get children to bed - involves 'sleeping' with Rowan for half an hour
  • Back downstairs to study, Liam sleeps and insists he is not sleeping at all.
  • Shower
  • After what I think is a minor row, Liam goes to bed.

I don't know what his problem was/is. Tiredness and Rowan being a brat comes as standard. He's not usually this moody about it. I am leaning towards thinking that maybe he's worried about tomorrow. He often gets stressy when it comes to taking me out with his friends - I've seen it before and it will happen again.

I think he thinks I'm going to show him up, that's the way it always seems anyway, it's depressing that I must embarress him so much.


Tomorrow is Roller Disco time, and I think I have an outfit sorted! From the top;

Bright pink big net-bow in my hair, pink hoop earrings (and any others I can find), white lace crop top, black fishnet 'fingerless gloves', hopefully pink bracelets (not bought these yet), white rara skirt, pink shorts underneath, black or pink fishnet tights, black legwarmers, pink glittery ballet pumps. I have a bag that matches the shoes!

I hope Liam is OK with this, I don't see why not but he can be weird about this stuff.

The Tutor Replies!

Yep, I got a reply. She's being very supportive. Told me what I can miss and what to do to help. If I use the index to find bits I need I should be able to pass the next TMA, and I probably just need to drop my standards a little too. Although I don't want to 'just pass' (I want to pass with a good grade), I need to realise that scraping a pass is better than giving up entirely!


And about bloody time too. I started going to the breastfeeding cafe shortly before Rowan was 1. Not long after this it was suggested that my name be put forward for the next peer supporter training. Rowan is now 3 years and 6 months old, and I've finally had the call!

To be fair, it's not their fault - the funding got cut (dammit). I now have to work out and negotiate with other people, how I will be getting Rowan to school, if at all, on the days I'm training. Could be tricky...

What is up with my line breaks tonight?! It keeps doing double spacing on here and I have no idea why! ETA - it isn't showing when I publish, but I'm sure it doesn't normally do it all the same. Weeeiiiirrrrd.

Aggh, is it really midnight?! I still need to get ready for tomorrow, I have nothing at all done! Fat chance of doing much though, with Rowan insisting on not sleeping. He's flouncing about all over the front room half awake and grumpy.

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