Scarlett is sick.
Today I am at home. For the past two nights Liam has been out; Kungfu then an OU Law thing. I know he has to do kungfu now that he teaches, and I encourage him to go to these Law thing and make contacts (though apparently at least one woman wanted to be a rather different kind of 'contact'!) but it's tiring doing the evening and late shift alone. Especially with Scarlett being the screaming banshee that she was last night.
He didn't get in until almost midnight, and stupidly I left it late getting stuff done. For some reason I had it in my head that I would do the clear up, lunches, uniforms etc, when he gets in - if I had known he would be so late I would have done it earlier so that I could sleep the moment he got in. Oh, I should mention here that he didn't have a key, lol.
This morning I had just enough time to get dressed and my shoes on (a la flylady) when Scarlett vomited all over the stairs. Minor chaos ensued before I realised Rowan would have to stay at home with me and Scarlett, Liam would have to get Frazer to school and I would need to get everything ready for Frazer to leave while Liam dashed out to put money on his Oyster card and reduce quite how late he was for work.
Scarlett was sick again just as Liam and Frazer left, and Rowan slept reeeeeeeeeaallllllllyyy late in my bed. He didn't get up until about 9 I think! Scarlett has been sleeping on and off - never leaving the sofa.
I'm really hoping that this is not a result o me doing dinners the past two nights in a row - I shall have to see how the boys fare...
Rowan is the king of cool fashion.
Minor disaster yesterday at the school - I went to discovery planet with Rowan in the morning, and when I put his boots on for nursery, I realised that about a third of the sole had peeled back from the shoe part of one boot! We were on time for nursery before I discovered this, so of course we were now bound to be late. I bought some superglue, but then realised I needed to give it an hour before using the boot again, so no good.
I dashed in to Adams and bought hims some super cool pumps - I saw them a while ago but none weer in his size. He calls them 'Doctor Who' shoes, because they are kinda converse-y and he adores them.
Teamed with his smart school trousers and shaggy hair, he just kind of works in this shaggy smart look of the moment, my little man! I've tried to put the picture in, but it insists that the pic can't go with the relevant writing *sigh*
I should have submitted this yesterday
I fell behind...
It's now Saturday. Scarlett was sick once this morning but slept fine last night. Since this morning she seems to be better and is holding her food down so far.
Liam is out again. He is at a tutorial today and as at the allotment this morning. I miss having him around but want him to do the stuff that needs doing. Last night he upset me anyway by doing one of his 'other men I must be sleeping with' comments. I went to bed and did my best to ignore how it made me feel. It's amazing how fast I can get to sleep even when annoyed. I think of my baby and I fall asleep on a happy thought every single night.
Hopefully we'll get painting tonight; purple for the front room at last. I'm going to change the colour of the photo frame edges to match and dye the furniture, or dye throws for them. I want a couple of cushions too.
Frazer needs shoes!
FGS he goes through them so fast! He's worn out his last pair without growing out of them. His wide feet and tendency to having ingrown toenails means that he needs width fitted shoes, which means Clarks as Startrite are too costly and hard to come by for me.
Clarks don't come cheap though, especially at the rate that my lot need them. Less than 2 weeks ago I got Frazer some cheap Tesco shoes just to tide him over until I could afford proper ones and he's almost worn through these already. Was going to take him to Clarks today but 1) we spent over £20 more than normal on shopping today and 2) I'm not sure I want to risk Scarlett on the buses yet. Liam is going to jiggle money around so that we can get the shoes, but the trip will have to wait until tomorrow; I'll go while Liam is at his mums with the other two.
Tonks is still going
How long do dogs bleed for!? It was two weeks yesterday and it's when she stops bleeding that I have to worry about apparently because then she will be fertile and other dogs will take an interest. I'm getting her neutered and chipped as soon as I can now that she's had her first season. Ideally I'd wait until she is about 2 and a half years old, but I don't want to risk it - for fears of stray dogs and it makes her more of a target for theft. After my old dog was stolen I'm not taking any chances.
Earth Hour Tonight
So our lights will all be off between 8 and 9pm and I will be having either the computer OR the TV on, lol. Only problem is that if we are decorating we could probably do with some light!
I hope plenty of people join in, there's really not much reason not to, and it all makes a difference. Together, everyone can make a difference.
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