Saturday, September 22, 2007

Death worries

We went to a lovely Christening today - the first time I've been to a family event on DH's side (apart from the 'cousin getting out of prison' party a few years ago!).

While the priest was doing his bit, Frazer suddently burst in to tears - he was quite inconsolable for a while. I wanted to know what was wrong so that I could help him, but every time he tried to tell me he started again When he finally calmed down enough, he said to me "I dont want you to die"

He's been playing and stuff since, but still coming up to me now and again to tell me that he is still sad and worried. I've told him that we need to talk about it at some point (too busy today and too tired tonight to do it justice) but he said that he really doesn't want to, because then he wont be able to stop thinking about it and he will cry all the time. I've told him that I'm not ill, and I'm very careful when crossing the road etc. I wont tell him that I'm not going to die, but I do say that hopefully it wont be for a very long time because I want to be an old woman first!

I'm not surprised at all that this has come up, though I didn't expect it today, Frazer has always been sensitive, and as long as I can remember he has shown an interest in death - it started off with him remembering a past life, and grew in to asking me about reincarnation quite regularly! He's not spoken about it for a while though, today was unexpected.

OK, I may need to talk with him sooner than I thought - he keeps crying and I dont think he's going to sleep very well. I have a feeling my telling him that I'm not going to die for a long long time may not have been the right thing to do, he doesn't believe me at all. My poor lad.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Well I really outdone myself on not updating, didn't I?!

Things have changed lots since my last entry. We have a new addition to the family, a chocolate Labrador called Tonks - she's very pretty! We got her a few weeks ago when she was 10 weeks old. She is just over 14 weeks old now and has grown lots already. I'm doing clicker training with her, something that is new to me but seems to be working very well so far!