Monday, July 7, 2008

Prince Caspian - great. Weight gain - not.

OK I'm updating you with some Stuff. Yes, that's Stuff with a capital S. So there.

I took us all to see Prince Caspian the other weekend - it was really good, but not quite so good as The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. But then TLTW&TW is really the only one of the Narnia series to be properly film-worthy by today's standards IMO. They changed so little from the book with that film, but Prince Caspian had a few chunks missing and a couple of new ideas thrown in too. But it worked! It was good to watch, good battle scenes and lots of mysterious creatures, etc. I wont give too much away, but I will be buying it when it's out!

Liam bought the whole series of Narnia on paperback book form and I'm going to read it to the children over the holidays! I'm really looking forward to it, they are at an age now whee they don't need picture books - Frazer and Scarlett anyway, Frazer especially gets good enjoyment from it, but even Rowan sits quietly and I can almost see him imagining the story in his mind, it's so sweet.
I've also promised 'Matilda' though, I'll have to see which they want first!

What else has been happening...?
Well, tattoo plans are still going ahead. Sarah Street has drawn up beautiful plans and sent them to me. Tonks dutifully ate them, and my wonderful children spilled water on them. How I managed to salvage anything I do not know, but it still looks great! I have been told that in total it could take about 10 hours, but advised that I might only be able to take 3 hours at first, since I've not been inked before. Sarah has been on maternity leave until last week, but is already booked up until August 31st!
Do you know what that means? No baby trying until then! Damn! I was gutted, really gutted, but I am coming to terms with it now. I think I've waited so long that a bit longer wont hurt. The pained part of me wonders if it will ever happen, but I think a lot of this worry stems from the fact that I feel so secure as a family unit with 3 children.

The breastfeeding peer counsellor training is going so well - better than I had thought it would be before I started the course. Not just going over things I already know, as there is so much more! Plus so many other things to take in to consideration; cultural awareness, child abuse, diseases, etc. It's been loads of fun, and now we only have two sessions left. Next week there is nothing, then two weeks more and then in September we have our graduation ceremony. I'm pleasantly surprised that they go to such fuss for us!

Tonks is doing good. She's getting to be a big girl now and chilling out a lot. I am looking forward to spending more time with her in the holidays, and worrying about her less. Having said that, I will be getting her neutered soon, and so will have that to worry about!
Liam is sill insistent that if I *ever* get another dog he will instantly move out. It's such a shame as I would save incessantly (for a long time, they're so expensive) to buy an Alaskan Klee Kai
Wow I would really Love one! I have always wanted a Husky dog, they are sch beautiful creatures. But I know, I am sure that I just wouldn't have the time and dedication to spare for such a demanding breed. A teeny tiny version though, is a different matter! I could do that, and Love every minute. Never mind. *sob* *sniff*

the children had their school carnival on Friday - it was lovely! Frazer was a rainbow, Scarlett was a volcano and Rowan was a flower. They paraded around the edge of the school and loads of parents and family were there to cheer them on, plus what looked like the whole of the (small) neighbouring school. Then they went to their AstroTurf bit and sung songs, and Frazer did a percussion performance - he really likes this! He was great, he told me that he was nervous when he got on to the stage with his friends, but he soon got in to it and enjoyed himself. I think the drums are a great start to this kind of thing, a steady beat led by their teacher with other children going along too.

I went back to Fatty Club recently (Slimming World) as the half stone over target that I had been hovering at for so long finally took me over 'the next stone zone' and I was over 10st. When I finally got to the class to weigh, I was 1lb short of being a whole stone over weight! I lost 6lbs relatively quickly, but this week (my third week I think) I gained 2lbs. I'm quite pee'd off with this - that last half stone is such a bugger to shift. It's even more of a pain because I need to be healthy about it. I know that if I slip in to eating disorder mode I could shift it in a week easily. I had a fantastic weight loss a few months back - but I didn't eat more than a minute amount of calories for a whole week. It's weird that someone like me, who never stops eating, could do that, but I can. I think EDs are something you can't ever get rid of though. Once they are there they don't leave. You can spend the rest of your days eating normally, but it's always there underneath, and most of the time it's a battle to ignore it.

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