Monday, July 21, 2008

Protect My Baby - Protect Me, the non-protest at Parliament today

Excuse me as I type, but I am sooo tired and quite sleepy right now, and have a fair bit to do for the morning still. I really need afternoon naps, lol.

This morning was the BFPC training. My goodness it was DULL. Actually, it was dull - it was too boring to warrant capitals. 3 men came along to teach us about cultural awareness, they weren't the best presenters of their info, and their information was very much lacking in anything that excites the intellect. The one guy that seemed to have something to say and was open to interaction, was cut short after the other two took up all the time droning on.

Now Cultural Awareness I'm open to. Finding out about various cultures, ethnic minorities, races, religions, etc, I am happy to hear about as I find it fascinating.
This was not what today was about.
We were shown briefly a history of when different races came to London - that bit had potential for being interesting, but was sped over. The focus was on what Southwark does for different cultures, the cohesion services, various fora and interaction Southwark encourages between groups. We were taken over statistic after statistic about people that felt they got on well with other ethnic minorities in London, and we were very much shown how this part of the council has done so much for integrating and other such things.
I was so tempted to put my hand up and say - and how is this relevant to the breastfeeding cafe? But I didn't. I probably should have.
When we touched on human rights, one of the other trainees asked about the rights of a baby, and instead of taking the hint, the lecturer started on about child abuse! What about the Human Rights of a baby to be breast feed? What about a baby's right to be feed the only food guaranteed not to cause harm to their tiny body? We did come to that eventually (Barbara the HV and I made sure of that) but it wasn't a subject dwelled on, it was to be 'saved for later'. Of course, later came, but was cut short after all the other drownings on.

On a lighter note, my children were fantastic in the creche, not a peep out of them and they enjoyed themselves too. I am so glad, as they would have hated sitting up with me today! I've decided that they can come along next week too, they all want to anyway, and I hate to ask MIL all the time.

After training, I made it clear to everyone where I was going and why - related this to the human rights aspect too and pointed out that it's complete rubbish that in this country we only get a sexual discrimination act to 'protect' us from harassment while breastfeeding. So women are expected to file a law suit on a shop keeper asks them to move on for feeding their baby? What mother would have the time or energy to do that?! And what if it doesn't happen in a shop? Who do you sue if it's an ignorant twat in the park?
In Scotland they have a right to feed their babies without fear of harassment. To ask a mother to move along, stop feeding or telling her she's disgusting is an offence in Scotland. Now there's a country that have it right! Up there a woman can phone the police if she is harassed for feeding her baby, right up until the age of 2 years too - nothing like the 6 months nonsense that keeps being spread around in England.

So I grabbed my children and we all dashed off to the bus stop, fortunately one pulled up just as we got there and it was packed. Predictably no one offered a seat to my children, I just had to rather noisily direct them to one the moment it was vacated (vocally to shame anyone else out of jumping in to it first!) but we did OK. We got to Parliament square just after 2pm, but boy do they make it hard to get on to that square! Anyone would think they didn't want us there! (pmsl)
There were probably about 80+ people in total, considering we all brought an average of 2 children each I think. Katy-mama was there, and I was pleased to see a face I knew. She had her husband and lovely children too, it was great of them to have come such a distance to get there, it makes me wish I was there on time to have enjoyed things better!
I will say my childrens' behaviour left a fair bit to be desired. I don't know what got in to them all of a sudden, but they were unbelievably clingy throughout the event, crawling on me, leaning, climbing and jumping on me, not fun for mummy.
I met the brilliant Morgan, of the breastfeeding blog and lacthelpers fame. She is so passionate and knowledgeable about all things breastfeeding, I'd have been in awe if she wasn't so normal! And Alison was there, promoting her book ('fit to bust', looks great!) along with many other mums that seemed lovely. Lots of slings were everywhere, and I recognised a few faces from the Breastfeeding Matters magazine I think.

We had a Lord come over, Lord Avebury and his wife. She fed her baby for 3 years, so it was lovely to see them. Later on an MP came over - I really wish I could remember which one! We gave him a rendition of our 'Protect my baby, protect me' song, and some information about why we were there - I think a book was slipped in to his hand too for the houses of common, common rooms I suppose!
One of my fellow trainees showed up! I was so pleased! Bless her, she had to run along after picking up her DS and most peopel had gone by the time she got there, but I was sooo thankful she came though - and I know it was appreciated by all that were still there at 4.

And then it all got rather tiring at tidy up time. Maybe it was because I had been clambered over for so long, or maybe it was the dull (and slightly disappointing) training session this morning, but I was shattered all of a sudden. We got the bus home and I wanted to stay in until Liam returned , but for some bizarre reason the children were determined to go out again, so I met Liam on the way to Slimming World. I stuck heels on because I want my feet to be used to wearing proper shoes, it's so rare I get the chance! I think I looked nice, I just wish I had a chance to grab a picture before I looked like a knackered old trout.

So, Slimming World, the result iiiiiiiiiisss...........

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:40 pm Post subject:

I lost, I lost, I lost I lost I lost!
2lbs - OFF!
Ta muchly I like that thank you!

I really reigned it in this week. Bit pants at keeping syns low if I start in the daytime, so I saved them up until the evening. I also a bit pants at keeping a piece of paper on me, so I'd write down the syns at the end of the day in this little mini diary I have. Did OK up until Saturday; we bought a pack of brownies while shopping, which would have been ok to share, had it not been for Liam also buying this huge pavlova. Mmmmmmm it was *yum* though!
I'd done that DVD on Monday, but not had the chance to re-do it, but I did do a session on the crosstrainer, a work out at kung fu and then Liam took me through a work out on the punch bag we have, which wore me out. I need to keep this up now, especially as it's the holidays, so I have a severe lack of walking exercise.
The big worry this week is the breastfeeding cafe. We have two mums coming along that were old regulars but haven't been for ages as they've moved away. One is returning to New Zealand, and they are both big fans of chocolate cake - and the cafe was always an excuse to buy it! I'm not going to go without, but I will save my syns where possible to go towards it, think I might get some quorn to replace chicken at some point too...

Ah now I'm done, off to get ready to be allowed to go to bed for me! (gosh it all takes so long, I just want to sleeeppp)

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