Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Wishlist

I’m getting it out of my system. We’re broke, Liam as much as I, and he’s asked me for ideas of what I would like for my birthday. I’ve told him that there’s depressingly too much that I would like for my birthday, so not to worry, but now I can’t help writing a bloody list. I can’t send it to him of course, so I’m sticking it in here while he’s not around.

This mirror is *fab*
Plus a load of other things on there - I love the 'SAVE FERRIS' tshirt, and the she-ra ones and the wonder woman one - I Love the 'ladies night' one on the last page.

I want this as a changing bag when I have our baby (sooome day)

plus money towards my tattoo

bike, or bits for when I have a bike (child seat, etc)

this dress;
(and I like the belt and scarf)


Flowers for the garden, stuff to help me out (lavender, jasmine, woodchips, rose bushes - I want to do it but can't afford to!)

(manily the stripy ones, but all lovely!)

I've been wanting red shoes for ages, and oh my aren't these lovely!
FMS indeed!

and wow-wow, these are fantastic too!

Some pretty pumps/trainers, because mine are super sporty, and not girly at all!

And OMG, some jeans that fit without making me look odd would be fan-tas-tic. I dream of that you know - it's been years since I've had decent jeans.

A nice dress or floaty top maybe? Liam sent me a link a while ago to some really lovely stuff I was looking at for ages

I really really want to put new music on my ipod, so itunes vouchers or cds would be great, but I actually have no itunes now that my lappy is dead :( hey, a fixed lappy would be good though!

I'd like the pelvic floor toners he promised he'd give me money towards, but obviously not for a birthday present! Same goes for chicken fillets for my bra and wonder knickers I suppose!

A fatface bag (or similar I suppose) would be lovely, pretty and functional - I'd get a lot of use out of it;
This bag in colour Dawn is great!

I'd Love more of my Britney (no, I'm not embarrassed!) perfume - it smells like sweeties! and my nina ricci perfume is running out :( but I like it when Liam picks, I'm not good with perfumes, but like to have a scent. It's funny, I never used to like them but I feel incomplete without it now! there's a DKNY one that I want him to see if he likes (to like on me) as I think it smells like parma violets, and Liam loves them! lol

There's makeup all over the place that I would like - in boots at the moment they even have a couple of offers on makeup where you get free gift bags too. I love the eye shadow cubes from body shop as they are so vibrant! But officially I don't like the body shop as they are owned by the evil Nestle. Grrrrr.

On the other end of the spectrum (from body shop evilness! Pmsl) is Lush – that always goes down well! Oh, and Yankee candles – I keep meaning to buy some, or any other good candle company, Rodders bought me a fab one in a tin once that smelled of baby powder – it was divine.

The books on the book list I sent him at Christmas, plus a load of the things that I suggested at Christmas I suppose, can’t remember what most of them are though.

Most of all I would like some *fun* God it feels so long now. When was the last time I went out anywhere? A good deal longer ago than when Liam last went out I can tell you.
I'd Love a party - I want to do Goth Vs Cheerleader but don't know if I have friends that would come (I'm such a saddo)
Failing that, going out would be fab - if you know me, you know how I crave to do the works - a romantic meal, then musical (or play, ballet, etc) then a sexy hotel night, or the same ending but starting off with a fun meal, bar and a night club!

The poor Love, he wants to get me underwear, but is reluctant after the failings of last time. The problem isn’t that he got the wrong size – they were ok in fit – it’s just the shape of my dismal boobs. They don’t fit in to bras properly anymore and look like I’m wearing a size too big. I’m not – any smaller and I’d be spilling out. It does depend on how I’m standing, but it’s not good. If I wear a t-shirt it covers up the problem, but anything low cut and you can see my horribly saggy breasts. Man I want to cry now.

Ohhh what would cheer me up? An Alaskan Klee Kai!
Yeah, right. Pmsl I’m just kiddin’

It's not going to happen though, none of it is. I'm not being bitter by writing all of this, although I am dwelling on it a bit too much. I'm just getting it out of my system. Virtual window shopping sort of.
I've asked Liam to get me a couple of Disney DVDs, and hinted that I'd like the Sword in the Stone for the kids, or Beauty and the Beast, but that one is a bit hard to get sometimes.
Maybe I should push the boat out and ask for an aromatherapy massage too.

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