Two days ago, I decided to add to my Facebook photo albums, by creating a 'Rowan' album. I already have one for Frazer, and one for Scarlett, which takes you through photos from when they were very first born, right up to this year, as recent as possible. But I don't have one for Rowan yet.
It was in creating this that I realised the earliest photos I could find of Rowan were of him at about 2 months old, and his first Christmas. This really upset me, as I know that somewhere, there are some lovely newborn pictures of him - in the birth pool, wearing his dinky first nappy (customised, no less!), and his first few days.
I've scoured the CDs we have, because our laptops keep breaking, and so I know any photos on the PC are those we're taken from disks made to back up photos. It turns out that I've taken pictures from all but one disk. This disk has dates on it, which include the date of Rowan's birth. It's also one of those disks that's been scuffed along the laminate floor by the look of it, as it's so scratched along the bottom. I remember that it never worked when I last tried it.
So yesterday I asked online if there's a way, or a company, or something that can save a scratched disk. Tracy recommended a free program online;
Which is supposed to copy what's on your disk, so that you can burn it on to a new CD. I started to run it, but after a while it said it was no longer responding, and as there was no skip button or anything I had to close it.
I forgot to take the CD out of the PC though, and carried on emailing, surfing, trying to vent my frustration at the program. When I decided to try again, I shut down internet explorer and saw a box on my pc saying that it was importing the pictures and videos! It was on 110 that it had found, and after leaving it quite some time, I realised that the number was going up!
I left it running all evening, and when I went to bed I noticed that it had stopped 'importing' and was now in the process of starting something else. It took ages though, so I left it and went to bed.
When I got up this morning it had found 690(!!!) pictures and videos, and was asking me if I wanted to tag them, along with a little thumbnail of the first pic. I tagged them 'Rowan's birth' and let it run while we walked Tonks and had breakfast. It had got up to about 160 when Liam started ironing and blew the bloody fuse with the iron that I dropped the other day.
So now I'm upset.
I looked and the files already uploaded were ones I already have, recovered from other disks. This makes it all the more frustrating! Most of the pictures on that CD are ones I already have - but I can't pick and choose which ones I want from the disk.
I tried checking through the computer to see if I could get it started importing again, but the pc crashed on me. I took the disk out for a while to let it rest and and put it back in a couple of minutes ago. Still no response and I'm scared to check C: drive! I might run that program again.
No internet for me again today I suppose.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Birthday Wishlist
I’m getting it out of my system. We’re broke, Liam as much as I, and he’s asked me for ideas of what I would like for my birthday. I’ve told him that there’s depressingly too much that I would like for my birthday, so not to worry, but now I can’t help writing a bloody list. I can’t send it to him of course, so I’m sticking it in here while he’s not around.
This mirror is *fab*
Plus a load of other things on there - I love the 'SAVE FERRIS' tshirt, and the she-ra ones and the wonder woman one - I Love the 'ladies night' one on the last page.
I want this as a changing bag when I have our baby (sooome day)
plus money towards my tattoo
bike, or bits for when I have a bike (child seat, etc)
this dress;
(and I like the belt and scarf)
Flowers for the garden, stuff to help me out (lavender, jasmine, woodchips, rose bushes - I want to do it but can't afford to!)
(manily the stripy ones, but all lovely!)
I've been wanting red shoes for ages, and oh my aren't these lovely!
FMS indeed!
and wow-wow, these are fantastic too!
Some pretty pumps/trainers, because mine are super sporty, and not girly at all!
And OMG, some jeans that fit without making me look odd would be fan-tas-tic. I dream of that you know - it's been years since I've had decent jeans.
A nice dress or floaty top maybe? Liam sent me a link a while ago to some really lovely stuff I was looking at for ages
I really really want to put new music on my ipod, so itunes vouchers or cds would be great, but I actually have no itunes now that my lappy is dead :( hey, a fixed lappy would be good though!
I'd like the pelvic floor toners he promised he'd give me money towards, but obviously not for a birthday present! Same goes for chicken fillets for my bra and wonder knickers I suppose!
A fatface bag (or similar I suppose) would be lovely, pretty and functional - I'd get a lot of use out of it;
This bag in colour Dawn is great!
I'd Love more of my Britney (no, I'm not embarrassed!) perfume - it smells like sweeties! and my nina ricci perfume is running out :( but I like it when Liam picks, I'm not good with perfumes, but like to have a scent. It's funny, I never used to like them but I feel incomplete without it now! there's a DKNY one that I want him to see if he likes (to like on me) as I think it smells like parma violets, and Liam loves them! lol
There's makeup all over the place that I would like - in boots at the moment they even have a couple of offers on makeup where you get free gift bags too. I love the eye shadow cubes from body shop as they are so vibrant! But officially I don't like the body shop as they are owned by the evil Nestle. Grrrrr.
On the other end of the spectrum (from body shop evilness! Pmsl) is Lush – that always goes down well! Oh, and Yankee candles – I keep meaning to buy some, or any other good candle company, Rodders bought me a fab one in a tin once that smelled of baby powder – it was divine.
The books on the book list I sent him at Christmas, plus a load of the things that I suggested at Christmas I suppose, can’t remember what most of them are though.
Most of all I would like some *fun* God it feels so long now. When was the last time I went out anywhere? A good deal longer ago than when Liam last went out I can tell you.
I'd Love a party - I want to do Goth Vs Cheerleader but don't know if I have friends that would come (I'm such a saddo)
Failing that, going out would be fab - if you know me, you know how I crave to do the works - a romantic meal, then musical (or play, ballet, etc) then a sexy hotel night, or the same ending but starting off with a fun meal, bar and a night club!
The poor Love, he wants to get me underwear, but is reluctant after the failings of last time. The problem isn’t that he got the wrong size – they were ok in fit – it’s just the shape of my dismal boobs. They don’t fit in to bras properly anymore and look like I’m wearing a size too big. I’m not – any smaller and I’d be spilling out. It does depend on how I’m standing, but it’s not good. If I wear a t-shirt it covers up the problem, but anything low cut and you can see my horribly saggy breasts. Man I want to cry now.
Ohhh what would cheer me up? An Alaskan Klee Kai!
Yeah, right. Pmsl I’m just kiddin’
It's not going to happen though, none of it is. I'm not being bitter by writing all of this, although I am dwelling on it a bit too much. I'm just getting it out of my system. Virtual window shopping sort of.
I've asked Liam to get me a couple of Disney DVDs, and hinted that I'd like the Sword in the Stone for the kids, or Beauty and the Beast, but that one is a bit hard to get sometimes.
Maybe I should push the boat out and ask for an aromatherapy massage too.
This mirror is *fab*
Plus a load of other things on there - I love the 'SAVE FERRIS' tshirt, and the she-ra ones and the wonder woman one - I Love the 'ladies night' one on the last page.
I want this as a changing bag when I have our baby (sooome day)
plus money towards my tattoo
bike, or bits for when I have a bike (child seat, etc)
this dress;
(and I like the belt and scarf)
Flowers for the garden, stuff to help me out (lavender, jasmine, woodchips, rose bushes - I want to do it but can't afford to!)
(manily the stripy ones, but all lovely!)
I've been wanting red shoes for ages, and oh my aren't these lovely!
FMS indeed!
and wow-wow, these are fantastic too!
Some pretty pumps/trainers, because mine are super sporty, and not girly at all!
And OMG, some jeans that fit without making me look odd would be fan-tas-tic. I dream of that you know - it's been years since I've had decent jeans.
A nice dress or floaty top maybe? Liam sent me a link a while ago to some really lovely stuff I was looking at for ages
I really really want to put new music on my ipod, so itunes vouchers or cds would be great, but I actually have no itunes now that my lappy is dead :( hey, a fixed lappy would be good though!
I'd like the pelvic floor toners he promised he'd give me money towards, but obviously not for a birthday present! Same goes for chicken fillets for my bra and wonder knickers I suppose!
A fatface bag (or similar I suppose) would be lovely, pretty and functional - I'd get a lot of use out of it;
This bag in colour Dawn is great!
I'd Love more of my Britney (no, I'm not embarrassed!) perfume - it smells like sweeties! and my nina ricci perfume is running out :( but I like it when Liam picks, I'm not good with perfumes, but like to have a scent. It's funny, I never used to like them but I feel incomplete without it now! there's a DKNY one that I want him to see if he likes (to like on me) as I think it smells like parma violets, and Liam loves them! lol
There's makeup all over the place that I would like - in boots at the moment they even have a couple of offers on makeup where you get free gift bags too. I love the eye shadow cubes from body shop as they are so vibrant! But officially I don't like the body shop as they are owned by the evil Nestle. Grrrrr.
On the other end of the spectrum (from body shop evilness! Pmsl) is Lush – that always goes down well! Oh, and Yankee candles – I keep meaning to buy some, or any other good candle company, Rodders bought me a fab one in a tin once that smelled of baby powder – it was divine.
The books on the book list I sent him at Christmas, plus a load of the things that I suggested at Christmas I suppose, can’t remember what most of them are though.
Most of all I would like some *fun* God it feels so long now. When was the last time I went out anywhere? A good deal longer ago than when Liam last went out I can tell you.
I'd Love a party - I want to do Goth Vs Cheerleader but don't know if I have friends that would come (I'm such a saddo)
Failing that, going out would be fab - if you know me, you know how I crave to do the works - a romantic meal, then musical (or play, ballet, etc) then a sexy hotel night, or the same ending but starting off with a fun meal, bar and a night club!
The poor Love, he wants to get me underwear, but is reluctant after the failings of last time. The problem isn’t that he got the wrong size – they were ok in fit – it’s just the shape of my dismal boobs. They don’t fit in to bras properly anymore and look like I’m wearing a size too big. I’m not – any smaller and I’d be spilling out. It does depend on how I’m standing, but it’s not good. If I wear a t-shirt it covers up the problem, but anything low cut and you can see my horribly saggy breasts. Man I want to cry now.
Ohhh what would cheer me up? An Alaskan Klee Kai!
Yeah, right. Pmsl I’m just kiddin’
It's not going to happen though, none of it is. I'm not being bitter by writing all of this, although I am dwelling on it a bit too much. I'm just getting it out of my system. Virtual window shopping sort of.
I've asked Liam to get me a couple of Disney DVDs, and hinted that I'd like the Sword in the Stone for the kids, or Beauty and the Beast, but that one is a bit hard to get sometimes.
Maybe I should push the boat out and ask for an aromatherapy massage too.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Protect My Baby - Protect Me, the non-protest at Parliament today
Excuse me as I type, but I am sooo tired and quite sleepy right now, and have a fair bit to do for the morning still. I really need afternoon naps, lol.
This morning was the BFPC training. My goodness it was DULL. Actually, it was dull - it was too boring to warrant capitals. 3 men came along to teach us about cultural awareness, they weren't the best presenters of their info, and their information was very much lacking in anything that excites the intellect. The one guy that seemed to have something to say and was open to interaction, was cut short after the other two took up all the time droning on.
Now Cultural Awareness I'm open to. Finding out about various cultures, ethnic minorities, races, religions, etc, I am happy to hear about as I find it fascinating.
This was not what today was about.
We were shown briefly a history of when different races came to London - that bit had potential for being interesting, but was sped over. The focus was on what Southwark does for different cultures, the cohesion services, various fora and interaction Southwark encourages between groups. We were taken over statistic after statistic about people that felt they got on well with other ethnic minorities in London, and we were very much shown how this part of the council has done so much for integrating and other such things.
I was so tempted to put my hand up and say - and how is this relevant to the breastfeeding cafe? But I didn't. I probably should have.
When we touched on human rights, one of the other trainees asked about the rights of a baby, and instead of taking the hint, the lecturer started on about child abuse! What about the Human Rights of a baby to be breast feed? What about a baby's right to be feed the only food guaranteed not to cause harm to their tiny body? We did come to that eventually (Barbara the HV and I made sure of that) but it wasn't a subject dwelled on, it was to be 'saved for later'. Of course, later came, but was cut short after all the other drownings on.
On a lighter note, my children were fantastic in the creche, not a peep out of them and they enjoyed themselves too. I am so glad, as they would have hated sitting up with me today! I've decided that they can come along next week too, they all want to anyway, and I hate to ask MIL all the time.
After training, I made it clear to everyone where I was going and why - related this to the human rights aspect too and pointed out that it's complete rubbish that in this country we only get a sexual discrimination act to 'protect' us from harassment while breastfeeding. So women are expected to file a law suit on a shop keeper asks them to move on for feeding their baby? What mother would have the time or energy to do that?! And what if it doesn't happen in a shop? Who do you sue if it's an ignorant twat in the park?
In Scotland they have a right to feed their babies without fear of harassment. To ask a mother to move along, stop feeding or telling her she's disgusting is an offence in Scotland. Now there's a country that have it right! Up there a woman can phone the police if she is harassed for feeding her baby, right up until the age of 2 years too - nothing like the 6 months nonsense that keeps being spread around in England.
So I grabbed my children and we all dashed off to the bus stop, fortunately one pulled up just as we got there and it was packed. Predictably no one offered a seat to my children, I just had to rather noisily direct them to one the moment it was vacated (vocally to shame anyone else out of jumping in to it first!) but we did OK. We got to Parliament square just after 2pm, but boy do they make it hard to get on to that square! Anyone would think they didn't want us there! (pmsl)
There were probably about 80+ people in total, considering we all brought an average of 2 children each I think. Katy-mama was there, and I was pleased to see a face I knew. She had her husband and lovely children too, it was great of them to have come such a distance to get there, it makes me wish I was there on time to have enjoyed things better!
I will say my childrens' behaviour left a fair bit to be desired. I don't know what got in to them all of a sudden, but they were unbelievably clingy throughout the event, crawling on me, leaning, climbing and jumping on me, not fun for mummy.
I met the brilliant Morgan, of the breastfeeding blog and lacthelpers fame. She is so passionate and knowledgeable about all things breastfeeding, I'd have been in awe if she wasn't so normal! And Alison was there, promoting her book ('fit to bust', looks great!) along with many other mums that seemed lovely. Lots of slings were everywhere, and I recognised a few faces from the Breastfeeding Matters magazine I think.
We had a Lord come over, Lord Avebury and his wife. She fed her baby for 3 years, so it was lovely to see them. Later on an MP came over - I really wish I could remember which one! We gave him a rendition of our 'Protect my baby, protect me' song, and some information about why we were there - I think a book was slipped in to his hand too for the houses of common, common rooms I suppose!
One of my fellow trainees showed up! I was so pleased! Bless her, she had to run along after picking up her DS and most peopel had gone by the time she got there, but I was sooo thankful she came though - and I know it was appreciated by all that were still there at 4.
And then it all got rather tiring at tidy up time. Maybe it was because I had been clambered over for so long, or maybe it was the dull (and slightly disappointing) training session this morning, but I was shattered all of a sudden. We got the bus home and I wanted to stay in until Liam returned , but for some bizarre reason the children were determined to go out again, so I met Liam on the way to Slimming World. I stuck heels on because I want my feet to be used to wearing proper shoes, it's so rare I get the chance! I think I looked nice, I just wish I had a chance to grab a picture before I looked like a knackered old trout.
So, Slimming World, the result iiiiiiiiiisss...........
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:40 pm Post subject:
I lost, I lost, I lost I lost I lost!
2lbs - OFF!
Ta muchly I like that thank you!
I really reigned it in this week. Bit pants at keeping syns low if I start in the daytime, so I saved them up until the evening. I also a bit pants at keeping a piece of paper on me, so I'd write down the syns at the end of the day in this little mini diary I have. Did OK up until Saturday; we bought a pack of brownies while shopping, which would have been ok to share, had it not been for Liam also buying this huge pavlova. Mmmmmmm it was *yum* though!
I'd done that DVD on Monday, but not had the chance to re-do it, but I did do a session on the crosstrainer, a work out at kung fu and then Liam took me through a work out on the punch bag we have, which wore me out. I need to keep this up now, especially as it's the holidays, so I have a severe lack of walking exercise.
The big worry this week is the breastfeeding cafe. We have two mums coming along that were old regulars but haven't been for ages as they've moved away. One is returning to New Zealand, and they are both big fans of chocolate cake - and the cafe was always an excuse to buy it! I'm not going to go without, but I will save my syns where possible to go towards it, think I might get some quorn to replace chicken at some point too...
Ah now I'm done, off to get ready to be allowed to go to bed for me! (gosh it all takes so long, I just want to sleeeppp)
This morning was the BFPC training. My goodness it was DULL. Actually, it was dull - it was too boring to warrant capitals. 3 men came along to teach us about cultural awareness, they weren't the best presenters of their info, and their information was very much lacking in anything that excites the intellect. The one guy that seemed to have something to say and was open to interaction, was cut short after the other two took up all the time droning on.
Now Cultural Awareness I'm open to. Finding out about various cultures, ethnic minorities, races, religions, etc, I am happy to hear about as I find it fascinating.
This was not what today was about.
We were shown briefly a history of when different races came to London - that bit had potential for being interesting, but was sped over. The focus was on what Southwark does for different cultures, the cohesion services, various fora and interaction Southwark encourages between groups. We were taken over statistic after statistic about people that felt they got on well with other ethnic minorities in London, and we were very much shown how this part of the council has done so much for integrating and other such things.
I was so tempted to put my hand up and say - and how is this relevant to the breastfeeding cafe? But I didn't. I probably should have.
When we touched on human rights, one of the other trainees asked about the rights of a baby, and instead of taking the hint, the lecturer started on about child abuse! What about the Human Rights of a baby to be breast feed? What about a baby's right to be feed the only food guaranteed not to cause harm to their tiny body? We did come to that eventually (Barbara the HV and I made sure of that) but it wasn't a subject dwelled on, it was to be 'saved for later'. Of course, later came, but was cut short after all the other drownings on.
On a lighter note, my children were fantastic in the creche, not a peep out of them and they enjoyed themselves too. I am so glad, as they would have hated sitting up with me today! I've decided that they can come along next week too, they all want to anyway, and I hate to ask MIL all the time.
After training, I made it clear to everyone where I was going and why - related this to the human rights aspect too and pointed out that it's complete rubbish that in this country we only get a sexual discrimination act to 'protect' us from harassment while breastfeeding. So women are expected to file a law suit on a shop keeper asks them to move on for feeding their baby? What mother would have the time or energy to do that?! And what if it doesn't happen in a shop? Who do you sue if it's an ignorant twat in the park?
In Scotland they have a right to feed their babies without fear of harassment. To ask a mother to move along, stop feeding or telling her she's disgusting is an offence in Scotland. Now there's a country that have it right! Up there a woman can phone the police if she is harassed for feeding her baby, right up until the age of 2 years too - nothing like the 6 months nonsense that keeps being spread around in England.
So I grabbed my children and we all dashed off to the bus stop, fortunately one pulled up just as we got there and it was packed. Predictably no one offered a seat to my children, I just had to rather noisily direct them to one the moment it was vacated (vocally to shame anyone else out of jumping in to it first!) but we did OK. We got to Parliament square just after 2pm, but boy do they make it hard to get on to that square! Anyone would think they didn't want us there! (pmsl)
There were probably about 80+ people in total, considering we all brought an average of 2 children each I think. Katy-mama was there, and I was pleased to see a face I knew. She had her husband and lovely children too, it was great of them to have come such a distance to get there, it makes me wish I was there on time to have enjoyed things better!
I will say my childrens' behaviour left a fair bit to be desired. I don't know what got in to them all of a sudden, but they were unbelievably clingy throughout the event, crawling on me, leaning, climbing and jumping on me, not fun for mummy.
I met the brilliant Morgan, of the breastfeeding blog and lacthelpers fame. She is so passionate and knowledgeable about all things breastfeeding, I'd have been in awe if she wasn't so normal! And Alison was there, promoting her book ('fit to bust', looks great!) along with many other mums that seemed lovely. Lots of slings were everywhere, and I recognised a few faces from the Breastfeeding Matters magazine I think.
We had a Lord come over, Lord Avebury and his wife. She fed her baby for 3 years, so it was lovely to see them. Later on an MP came over - I really wish I could remember which one! We gave him a rendition of our 'Protect my baby, protect me' song, and some information about why we were there - I think a book was slipped in to his hand too for the houses of common, common rooms I suppose!
One of my fellow trainees showed up! I was so pleased! Bless her, she had to run along after picking up her DS and most peopel had gone by the time she got there, but I was sooo thankful she came though - and I know it was appreciated by all that were still there at 4.
And then it all got rather tiring at tidy up time. Maybe it was because I had been clambered over for so long, or maybe it was the dull (and slightly disappointing) training session this morning, but I was shattered all of a sudden. We got the bus home and I wanted to stay in until Liam returned , but for some bizarre reason the children were determined to go out again, so I met Liam on the way to Slimming World. I stuck heels on because I want my feet to be used to wearing proper shoes, it's so rare I get the chance! I think I looked nice, I just wish I had a chance to grab a picture before I looked like a knackered old trout.
So, Slimming World, the result iiiiiiiiiisss...........
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:40 pm Post subject:
I lost, I lost, I lost I lost I lost!
2lbs - OFF!
Ta muchly I like that thank you!
I really reigned it in this week. Bit pants at keeping syns low if I start in the daytime, so I saved them up until the evening. I also a bit pants at keeping a piece of paper on me, so I'd write down the syns at the end of the day in this little mini diary I have. Did OK up until Saturday; we bought a pack of brownies while shopping, which would have been ok to share, had it not been for Liam also buying this huge pavlova. Mmmmmmm it was *yum* though!
I'd done that DVD on Monday, but not had the chance to re-do it, but I did do a session on the crosstrainer, a work out at kung fu and then Liam took me through a work out on the punch bag we have, which wore me out. I need to keep this up now, especially as it's the holidays, so I have a severe lack of walking exercise.
The big worry this week is the breastfeeding cafe. We have two mums coming along that were old regulars but haven't been for ages as they've moved away. One is returning to New Zealand, and they are both big fans of chocolate cake - and the cafe was always an excuse to buy it! I'm not going to go without, but I will save my syns where possible to go towards it, think I might get some quorn to replace chicken at some point too...
Ah now I'm done, off to get ready to be allowed to go to bed for me! (gosh it all takes so long, I just want to sleeeppp)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I should be in bed
In bed or at least getting ready for tomorrow. That's what I should be doing. But Tat's prompted me in to blogging tonight *Hi Tat!*
Today I found myself at Canary Wharf, with 15-20 minutes left until school pick up time, carrying a large parcel, heavy bag and with no money in my purse or on my Oyster Card! I was certain there was nothing in the bank too, and I had so little on my phone I could only do a drop call to Liam.
Now there's broke.
Not only broke, but pretty fucked, considering I had to be at school pretty damn quick.
I was panicking - what could I do? The only conclusion I could come up with was to cash in one of my oyster cards (I have 2) and put the £3 from that on my other card. But the queue was looonnng. I could check in case there was anything in the bank, but the queue there was also loonnnng.
Panic! Phone Liam, realise he can't do much (he suggests giving the sob story to the guards in case they let me through, I doubt it will work). Panic more! 15 minutes - shit, it's hard even to pull my sleeve up to look at my watch with all this stuff - Panic!
So how did I get to this place, this awful predicament?
Today is Thursday. The penultimate (Love that word) day of term and last chance to go shopping for end of term treats for both children and teachers (only remembered teachers yesterday!) The library toddler group was having a 'party' this morning. This translates as the usual group but a bit more food at snack time.
I got Rowan off to school and headed for the train station as fast as possible. Liam had checked with John Lewis, and they had Rowan's scooter at the Canary Wharf store, but I needed Bond Street for Lush and there's another JL nearby, bigger than the Canary Wharf one too.
I had it worked out. In fact, my boredom at the library had enabled me to write up a detailed list of what to buy, how much I thought it cost and where to buy it, and exactly what times I needed to be at all places, while still leaving me enough time to get the scooter home and hidden, then for me to get to the school.
Was about on time in to Lush, but of course the lovely ladies talk too much, too friendly! and they show me demos of new shower bombs (Sex in the Shower - looks great! You fizz it up and the scents come up in the steam - free at the moment if you spend over £15) and chat about what is good etc. I left 5 minutes late.
John Lewis: I'm not too late, but they have no scooters.
Bugger bugger bugger.
Head back to the station, need to get to Canary Wharf and pray that Auntie Laura will let me store the scooter at work until tomorrow.
Canary Wharf: Who designed that bloody place anyway!? Sure it looks good, but you try finding John Lewis! I went in to the part signed 'shopping Mall' as opposed to the 'Offices' part and get completely confused. I know there is a JL here, but it's not on the maps and it's not anywhere I can find. I did see some *lovely* bags though, in Accessorise. I've resolved to buy one as a changing bag for my next baby, and I don't care if it is suede-y, has beads and sequins and is unpractical, it's yummy! And considerably cheaper than the JL pram bags I've seen so many mums with - £70+ for a baby bag? Are you serious?!?!
I eventually ask for help and it turns out that John Lewis is in the 'offices' building.
Run over to there, look around, no John Lewis. Look more, check map, still not there. Begin to wonder if it is actually outside. Ask for help - it is on top of Waitrose and completely unmarked as JL!
Finally I find it, buy the scooter AFAP and realise that I've spent too much in Lush - need to use the tenner in my purse in case what's in the bank isn't enough. Oops, the scooter is about £2-3 more than I thought, I have to use that £5 note that's in my purse too.
All done now, I resolved to take the scooter with me wrapped in two big bags, will tell the children it's daddy's parcel. Leave store trying really hard to avoid the baby bits....
Just as I am approaching the escalator, I realise. I only put enough on my oyster card to get to Bond Street and back, not Canary Wharf too. Wouldn't be a problem, but I have no money to top up as I used it buying the scooter. Paying for Oyster by card means you need to top up a minimum of £5 and I'm pretty darn certain I don't have that.
And this is where the panic set in. I'm sweating by now, with the running around, the dodgy hot-cold-humid weather and carrying all this stuff. I am now practically spinning in circles, looking from queue to queue to top up machine, trying to lift my sleeve to check my watch as my phone battery keeps bleeping it's deadness at me, and I might need to tell Liam to go to the school (late, but there at least). Queue to queue to machine, queue to queue to machine. Look over at guards at the gates, no way.
In the end I risked topping up with my bank card, I knew it wouldn't work, but it did!
Dash dash dash all the way to school now. As I can't drop off the parcel anywhere I am actually early, so check my bank balance. I've gone over by 92p.
Damn - this is not good. My money goes in tomorrow, but what if they charge me? I just keep consoling myself that 20-30 quid is worth it not to be leaving my children alone at school, but ouch that will hurt if they do charge me. I was going to phone Barclays and explain why, but Liam said to leave it and see what they do/say first. I was too tired to argue at that point.
I made the most of having money on my oyster card and we got a bus home from school. No one offered a seat to any of us, but Rowan grabbed one when we got on and I was past caring about me.
More happened today, but I am so past tired now I'm not going to share it. More has happened in the past week or so since I posted, but again, you'll be lucky!
G'night all. A day in the life of this Lainey is almost over, thank goodness. xx
Today I found myself at Canary Wharf, with 15-20 minutes left until school pick up time, carrying a large parcel, heavy bag and with no money in my purse or on my Oyster Card! I was certain there was nothing in the bank too, and I had so little on my phone I could only do a drop call to Liam.
Now there's broke.
Not only broke, but pretty fucked, considering I had to be at school pretty damn quick.
I was panicking - what could I do? The only conclusion I could come up with was to cash in one of my oyster cards (I have 2) and put the £3 from that on my other card. But the queue was looonnng. I could check in case there was anything in the bank, but the queue there was also loonnnng.
Panic! Phone Liam, realise he can't do much (he suggests giving the sob story to the guards in case they let me through, I doubt it will work). Panic more! 15 minutes - shit, it's hard even to pull my sleeve up to look at my watch with all this stuff - Panic!
So how did I get to this place, this awful predicament?
Today is Thursday. The penultimate (Love that word) day of term and last chance to go shopping for end of term treats for both children and teachers (only remembered teachers yesterday!) The library toddler group was having a 'party' this morning. This translates as the usual group but a bit more food at snack time.
I got Rowan off to school and headed for the train station as fast as possible. Liam had checked with John Lewis, and they had Rowan's scooter at the Canary Wharf store, but I needed Bond Street for Lush and there's another JL nearby, bigger than the Canary Wharf one too.
I had it worked out. In fact, my boredom at the library had enabled me to write up a detailed list of what to buy, how much I thought it cost and where to buy it, and exactly what times I needed to be at all places, while still leaving me enough time to get the scooter home and hidden, then for me to get to the school.
Was about on time in to Lush, but of course the lovely ladies talk too much, too friendly! and they show me demos of new shower bombs (Sex in the Shower - looks great! You fizz it up and the scents come up in the steam - free at the moment if you spend over £15) and chat about what is good etc. I left 5 minutes late.
John Lewis: I'm not too late, but they have no scooters.
Bugger bugger bugger.
Head back to the station, need to get to Canary Wharf and pray that Auntie Laura will let me store the scooter at work until tomorrow.
Canary Wharf: Who designed that bloody place anyway!? Sure it looks good, but you try finding John Lewis! I went in to the part signed 'shopping Mall' as opposed to the 'Offices' part and get completely confused. I know there is a JL here, but it's not on the maps and it's not anywhere I can find. I did see some *lovely* bags though, in Accessorise. I've resolved to buy one as a changing bag for my next baby, and I don't care if it is suede-y, has beads and sequins and is unpractical, it's yummy! And considerably cheaper than the JL pram bags I've seen so many mums with - £70+ for a baby bag? Are you serious?!?!
I eventually ask for help and it turns out that John Lewis is in the 'offices' building.
Run over to there, look around, no John Lewis. Look more, check map, still not there. Begin to wonder if it is actually outside. Ask for help - it is on top of Waitrose and completely unmarked as JL!
Finally I find it, buy the scooter AFAP and realise that I've spent too much in Lush - need to use the tenner in my purse in case what's in the bank isn't enough. Oops, the scooter is about £2-3 more than I thought, I have to use that £5 note that's in my purse too.
All done now, I resolved to take the scooter with me wrapped in two big bags, will tell the children it's daddy's parcel. Leave store trying really hard to avoid the baby bits....
Just as I am approaching the escalator, I realise. I only put enough on my oyster card to get to Bond Street and back, not Canary Wharf too. Wouldn't be a problem, but I have no money to top up as I used it buying the scooter. Paying for Oyster by card means you need to top up a minimum of £5 and I'm pretty darn certain I don't have that.
And this is where the panic set in. I'm sweating by now, with the running around, the dodgy hot-cold-humid weather and carrying all this stuff. I am now practically spinning in circles, looking from queue to queue to top up machine, trying to lift my sleeve to check my watch as my phone battery keeps bleeping it's deadness at me, and I might need to tell Liam to go to the school (late, but there at least). Queue to queue to machine, queue to queue to machine. Look over at guards at the gates, no way.
In the end I risked topping up with my bank card, I knew it wouldn't work, but it did!
Dash dash dash all the way to school now. As I can't drop off the parcel anywhere I am actually early, so check my bank balance. I've gone over by 92p.
Damn - this is not good. My money goes in tomorrow, but what if they charge me? I just keep consoling myself that 20-30 quid is worth it not to be leaving my children alone at school, but ouch that will hurt if they do charge me. I was going to phone Barclays and explain why, but Liam said to leave it and see what they do/say first. I was too tired to argue at that point.
I made the most of having money on my oyster card and we got a bus home from school. No one offered a seat to any of us, but Rowan grabbed one when we got on and I was past caring about me.
More happened today, but I am so past tired now I'm not going to share it. More has happened in the past week or so since I posted, but again, you'll be lucky!
G'night all. A day in the life of this Lainey is almost over, thank goodness. xx
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Missing Liam
All this week he has been off, and I miss him more than ever today - a Saturday. A day we should Love as a family fun day, but it never happens.
This week he's either been working, at his interview, the allotment, kung fu or half asleep. I've been doing my usual to-ing and fro-ing from the school. He's behind on his work, so I'm trying to be supportive, in fact I've probably taken up far too much of his time as it is anyway.
Today is Carnival Day. Frazer and Scarlett have been lucky enough to have been invited to take part. They made these huge lanterns at school recently and are getting to parade them about today. I need to go to look after them, so Rowan will be with me, as Liam is at a tutorial. He wants to go to every Saturday tutorial now, to help him catch up. He wants to go to more in the week too, evening ones. I've said I don't mind, so long as he still does dinner, as I don't like the junk our children are made to eat when I cook.
I do miss him though. I'm trying to tell myself that this is just temporary; when he finishes his degree, things will get better, we will see more of each other and spend more time together. I don't want years of strain and missing out on each other, but then again, I know this is not the case. It's just that recently we've not done much together and I'm feeling it. I'm sure he will catch up with work soon and things will get better, and if not this then we'll get the chance to do stuff when this year finishes (October) and then the beginning of next year wont be so bad. I remember myself that with OU things summer tends to be a strain, as this is when you're likely to begin trailing behind, and the work all steps up a gear.
Hhmmm, maybe I shouldn't try for a summer baby after all...
Yesterday Martin found out what sex he and his Fiance Billie, are expecting. They are having a girl, and to celebrate I instantly went and bought a pink baby clothes and blanket set. It's very sweet, and I now have a whole basket full of bits that I'm planning to get.
I wish I could get the chance to gauge from them what kind of parenting they're going to be doing. Liam would describe Martin as 'chavtastic' (in the nicest of ways - it is his brother!) but neither of us has met his girlfriend. Well, I have, sort of. She stayed on her mobile phone the whole walk home from school when we bumped in to her and Martin and didn't say a word to me. I'm trying to blot this from my memory as I hope she's a nice person really and not the rude thing I thought she was at the time!
Well anyway, being a mum of 3, I think if they were to be using slings, cloth nappies or breastfeeding, I would be able to help them out with presents (I know what cloth to avoid, what slings are good for beginners and I can find some lovely nursing tops for a new mum), but chavtastic parents probably wouldn't do any of the three. I wont let myself judge though, so as unlikely as Liam or anyone else might think, I hope that they will give at least one of these things a try (preferably breastfeeding!).
But of course, not knowing means not knowing what to buy! They'll probably have loads of babygrows bought for them, tiny booties and vests. Family are even wiser now and buying larger sized clothes so that you don't end up with a million new born suits that fit for all of 5 minutes. Especially a baby of Martin's -hehehe!- I feel sorry for Billie if baby takes after dad; he was a HUGE newborn!
So baby shopping yesterday helped to get that out of my system. I took surprisingly great pleasure in buying clothes for someone who is expecting, it was like a baby fix without the guilt I usually lay on myself, as I'm not even pregnant!
Having said that though, we did go condomless today. I think it was because I spent hours this morning not being able to sleep as I felt so sick. I finally got up and pee'd on a stick (got loads of cheap ones) to see a neg - maybe this made me want sex all the more... I dunno, I was due last Sunday or this Thursday anyway, so probably not all that fertile.
Yesterday I took the plunge. I spoke to the head teacher about Scarlett's class arrangements. When the reception children go up to year one the two classes get mixed and split in to two year one groups. There's a boy in Scarlett's class who has a brother that I was so glad was NOT put in Frazer's class, as their mother is the one that spread rumours about me and tried to stop us getting in to the school as her boy didn't get a place. We of course did anyway, but just knowing what she did made me scared to go to the school for ages and to this day I avoid her.
I didn't want to make a fuss at the school - I couldn't stand being that kind of parent, but I wanted to tell them anyway. The big big panic I had afterwards, was what if they do change Scarlett to the other class? What if that is a big mistake and messes her up as much as year one did for poor Frazer? He had such a rotten time there, but then he had a miserable teacher, and his friends were in the other class. At least Scarlett has friends in either class, and if they did change her she would have Frazer's teacher from this year, who is a lovely woman. I have no idea about the teacher she has been originally put with, as it's a new one - I'll admit this is a little of my worry, as at least I know Frazer's teacher this year is great.
I'm so glad I have here to vent. I keep feeling as though I have no one to to talk to recently. Yesterday when I tried to tell Liam about my school worries it seemed more as though he was telling me off than trying to comfort me! But that's men for you, especially super logical ones like Liam. He was acting in a similar way when I was having a panic about my biological family the other day.
Come to think of it, I've been having a few down days and panics recently. I wonder why, I'll have to keep an eye on it.
I'm having to type this in Liam's room as my laptop broke again today. Guess what? This time it wont be within warranty. I guess they fixed to last just long enough, the bastards.
Scarlett was sitting in here with me, and what did I forget was right behind me!?!?! Her garish pink but oh so girly and Scarletty pram! It's supposed to be her end of term present that I'm giving to her next Friday.
Oh I'm gutted that she's seen it now - it would have been a great surprise. I'm so stupid. How much else will go wrong today I wonder? I've already realised that I didn't text Liam early enough to see if I should/could take his camera to the carnival.
Damn, I feel crap now.
Why am I shaking?
This week he's either been working, at his interview, the allotment, kung fu or half asleep. I've been doing my usual to-ing and fro-ing from the school. He's behind on his work, so I'm trying to be supportive, in fact I've probably taken up far too much of his time as it is anyway.
Today is Carnival Day. Frazer and Scarlett have been lucky enough to have been invited to take part. They made these huge lanterns at school recently and are getting to parade them about today. I need to go to look after them, so Rowan will be with me, as Liam is at a tutorial. He wants to go to every Saturday tutorial now, to help him catch up. He wants to go to more in the week too, evening ones. I've said I don't mind, so long as he still does dinner, as I don't like the junk our children are made to eat when I cook.
I do miss him though. I'm trying to tell myself that this is just temporary; when he finishes his degree, things will get better, we will see more of each other and spend more time together. I don't want years of strain and missing out on each other, but then again, I know this is not the case. It's just that recently we've not done much together and I'm feeling it. I'm sure he will catch up with work soon and things will get better, and if not this then we'll get the chance to do stuff when this year finishes (October) and then the beginning of next year wont be so bad. I remember myself that with OU things summer tends to be a strain, as this is when you're likely to begin trailing behind, and the work all steps up a gear.
Hhmmm, maybe I shouldn't try for a summer baby after all...
Yesterday Martin found out what sex he and his Fiance Billie, are expecting. They are having a girl, and to celebrate I instantly went and bought a pink baby clothes and blanket set. It's very sweet, and I now have a whole basket full of bits that I'm planning to get.
I wish I could get the chance to gauge from them what kind of parenting they're going to be doing. Liam would describe Martin as 'chavtastic' (in the nicest of ways - it is his brother!) but neither of us has met his girlfriend. Well, I have, sort of. She stayed on her mobile phone the whole walk home from school when we bumped in to her and Martin and didn't say a word to me. I'm trying to blot this from my memory as I hope she's a nice person really and not the rude thing I thought she was at the time!
Well anyway, being a mum of 3, I think if they were to be using slings, cloth nappies or breastfeeding, I would be able to help them out with presents (I know what cloth to avoid, what slings are good for beginners and I can find some lovely nursing tops for a new mum), but chavtastic parents probably wouldn't do any of the three. I wont let myself judge though, so as unlikely as Liam or anyone else might think, I hope that they will give at least one of these things a try (preferably breastfeeding!).
But of course, not knowing means not knowing what to buy! They'll probably have loads of babygrows bought for them, tiny booties and vests. Family are even wiser now and buying larger sized clothes so that you don't end up with a million new born suits that fit for all of 5 minutes. Especially a baby of Martin's -hehehe!- I feel sorry for Billie if baby takes after dad; he was a HUGE newborn!
So baby shopping yesterday helped to get that out of my system. I took surprisingly great pleasure in buying clothes for someone who is expecting, it was like a baby fix without the guilt I usually lay on myself, as I'm not even pregnant!
Having said that though, we did go condomless today. I think it was because I spent hours this morning not being able to sleep as I felt so sick. I finally got up and pee'd on a stick (got loads of cheap ones) to see a neg - maybe this made me want sex all the more... I dunno, I was due last Sunday or this Thursday anyway, so probably not all that fertile.
Yesterday I took the plunge. I spoke to the head teacher about Scarlett's class arrangements. When the reception children go up to year one the two classes get mixed and split in to two year one groups. There's a boy in Scarlett's class who has a brother that I was so glad was NOT put in Frazer's class, as their mother is the one that spread rumours about me and tried to stop us getting in to the school as her boy didn't get a place. We of course did anyway, but just knowing what she did made me scared to go to the school for ages and to this day I avoid her.
I didn't want to make a fuss at the school - I couldn't stand being that kind of parent, but I wanted to tell them anyway. The big big panic I had afterwards, was what if they do change Scarlett to the other class? What if that is a big mistake and messes her up as much as year one did for poor Frazer? He had such a rotten time there, but then he had a miserable teacher, and his friends were in the other class. At least Scarlett has friends in either class, and if they did change her she would have Frazer's teacher from this year, who is a lovely woman. I have no idea about the teacher she has been originally put with, as it's a new one - I'll admit this is a little of my worry, as at least I know Frazer's teacher this year is great.
I'm so glad I have here to vent. I keep feeling as though I have no one to to talk to recently. Yesterday when I tried to tell Liam about my school worries it seemed more as though he was telling me off than trying to comfort me! But that's men for you, especially super logical ones like Liam. He was acting in a similar way when I was having a panic about my biological family the other day.
Come to think of it, I've been having a few down days and panics recently. I wonder why, I'll have to keep an eye on it.
I'm having to type this in Liam's room as my laptop broke again today. Guess what? This time it wont be within warranty. I guess they fixed to last just long enough, the bastards.
Scarlett was sitting in here with me, and what did I forget was right behind me!?!?! Her garish pink but oh so girly and Scarletty pram! It's supposed to be her end of term present that I'm giving to her next Friday.
Oh I'm gutted that she's seen it now - it would have been a great surprise. I'm so stupid. How much else will go wrong today I wonder? I've already realised that I didn't text Liam early enough to see if I should/could take his camera to the carnival.
Damn, I feel crap now.
Why am I shaking?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
What. A. Day.
My goodness, I know Wednesdays take it out of me normally, but this one was something else!
Off to walk the dog, no issues there really. Avoided the glass very carefully after Tonks' paw bleeding yesterday.
Off to school, major rush as we seem to be later than usual without Liam doing his work thing. It's funny, because it also seems as though I'm seeing less of him this week. In the mornings he tends to hang around in the quiet of the front room now, where normally he's in the kitchen with us. He doesn't phone me in the day times so much as he does when at work, and of course he's not walking that little way of the way to school with us now.
Anyway, it's raining. It's been raining all day without stopping. It's got lighter and then heavier again, then lighter, but not stopped.
We get to school late (rain makes us late anyway!) and Frazer informs me that one of his feet is wet. Great. One of his wellies is knackered.
Off to Surrey Quays and Breastfeeding cafe. We end up late for the cafe, but only one mum shows anyway because of the rain I suppose. We have yummy biscuits, chocolate (bang goes the diet, forget about the fruit!) and tea.
Time for school again. Before it's time to go in I get a call from Clarissa, the HV in charge of my BFPC training. I need 5 documents proving my ID, none of which older than 3 months! Bloody hell that's gonna be tough - I oughta just cave and get a bloody passport.
Rowan goes in happily, although he seems really tired on the way there.
I decided to go home as I usually do on a Wednesday, even though Liam is there to keep an eye on Tonks. I get a lift part of the way, but still end up very wet and worn out by the time I'm home.
I needed to re-write my letter for the housing association meeting tonight. I printed it all off before I proof-read (duh!) and found 24 changes I wanted to make! Re-printed, leaving very little time to get back to school.
Another rush, a much wetter one this time. Bundle Frazer off to percussion (they did lots of free music today, end of term stuff I guess) and left poor Liam sitting in his own rain puddle (he didn't have a coat) while I chatted with mums and a TA.
Frazer out of percussion and now it's time for Parents Evening time to begin. We have no babysitter so I left the children in a little room to wait and play while we talk to their teachers...
Scarlett - Fine, no problems at all. A genuine pleasure to work with, doing great at reading, writing and numeracy. Has grown in confidence, speaks up, makes friends, creative, hard working and has fantastic general knowledge.
Frazer - Doing OK. He's not behind in anything, but I get the impression he's not excelling at all either. He's managing to make a few friends now and seems happy at school. His teacher is pleased that his confidence is growing and is going to have a meeting with his next year teacher about how he doesn't respond well to pressure etc. He really needs to work on his writing though - he just doesn't like it! She suggested keeping it fun - asking him to write lists about things important to him, factual stuff, things he's done or would like to do - there was more, wish I could remember! Will have to ask again.
Rowan - Obviously not a meeting about his educational level, but he's happy at school and has recently became even more happy in appearance. He chats with teachers, plays alongside other children and is able to vocalise very well when he doesn't want to play with someone.
The problem came about when another parent made us very late by taking up our appointment time! We left the school stressed and late, it was pouring with rain and so we decided to get a bus home. Why do I do it?
The station was packed and Liam panicked, needing to be back for Kung Fu, so he jogged home. we waited about 20 minutes and the bus was packed when we got on. I had some weird arse of a woman moaning about 'THAT BOY IN THE WELLIES IS REALLY ANNOYING ME' in not-undertones to the bloke she was with, even though Rowan wasn't doing anything. Maybe she was jealous because she was stupidly in flip-flops (snigger).
After aaaaages there were a few seats spread over the back end of the bus so we all sat. The bus took about 40 minutes to get from the station to what should be a 5 minute walk down the road. I was desperate to get off, but it was still pouring down and I felt sorry for the children. Eventually Scarlett and Rowan fell asleep and Frazer started feeling sick, then the bus turned a corner in to a *really* clear road..... and stopped. 'Last stop!' the driver shouted, much to my dismay! I admit I began to argue - how could this be the last stop!? It's supposed to go to the garage! My children are asleep on here! I paid for this bloody journey and it's pouring down outside!
He was offering tickets for the bus behind but not refunds and insisted he had been told not to carry on with passengers. Fecking git.
So I woke my sleeping babies up and coaxed them off the bus, in to the pouring rain. As it had taken us so long to get nowhere at all, no way was I going to make us wait while it's pissing down, for another bus to make it through that traffic. So we walked home, as fast as we could, as I suspected the housing association meeting began at 6!
I dashed the children in, told them to get pyjamas on, made them jam sandwiches and grabbed some bananas and books to keep them quiet. Bless my little angels, they were so good at this meeting.
I was an hour late but no one minded, in fact they were all pleased that I had come at all. Rowan fell asleep and I had to carry him home. I think I managed to cover most of my points while at the meeting and handed over my letter to the appropriate person (might try to C&P the letter here tomorrow). We got home and ate a late dinner then read a story with a hot chocolate before scooting off to bed.
My poor babies must be so tired, I know I am!
I was so furious at that bus driver - I was swearing away like a good'un. Gah! you would not believe! And then when we were a little way down the path, the bus we were on shot past, on the now perfectly clear road!
Oh well, now I need to go. I need to sort out 3 extra special packed lunches, as Frazer and Scarlett are on school trips tomorrow (Scarlett at the transport museum and Frazer at Leysdown, hope the weather improves!), plus my 5 impossible proofs of ID, plus all teh usual stuff - and i need to be extra organised with Liam leaving the house super early for this job interview that he's really anxious about.
He's doing really great though. Normally he's super stress-head and upsets everyone, but this time he has been quietly nervous, bringing it up in conversation with me from time to time. I hope I'm being supportive enough, I don't feel it.
Wish him luck for tomorrow, please.
Off to walk the dog, no issues there really. Avoided the glass very carefully after Tonks' paw bleeding yesterday.
Off to school, major rush as we seem to be later than usual without Liam doing his work thing. It's funny, because it also seems as though I'm seeing less of him this week. In the mornings he tends to hang around in the quiet of the front room now, where normally he's in the kitchen with us. He doesn't phone me in the day times so much as he does when at work, and of course he's not walking that little way of the way to school with us now.
Anyway, it's raining. It's been raining all day without stopping. It's got lighter and then heavier again, then lighter, but not stopped.
We get to school late (rain makes us late anyway!) and Frazer informs me that one of his feet is wet. Great. One of his wellies is knackered.
Off to Surrey Quays and Breastfeeding cafe. We end up late for the cafe, but only one mum shows anyway because of the rain I suppose. We have yummy biscuits, chocolate (bang goes the diet, forget about the fruit!) and tea.
Time for school again. Before it's time to go in I get a call from Clarissa, the HV in charge of my BFPC training. I need 5 documents proving my ID, none of which older than 3 months! Bloody hell that's gonna be tough - I oughta just cave and get a bloody passport.
Rowan goes in happily, although he seems really tired on the way there.
I decided to go home as I usually do on a Wednesday, even though Liam is there to keep an eye on Tonks. I get a lift part of the way, but still end up very wet and worn out by the time I'm home.
I needed to re-write my letter for the housing association meeting tonight. I printed it all off before I proof-read (duh!) and found 24 changes I wanted to make! Re-printed, leaving very little time to get back to school.
Another rush, a much wetter one this time. Bundle Frazer off to percussion (they did lots of free music today, end of term stuff I guess) and left poor Liam sitting in his own rain puddle (he didn't have a coat) while I chatted with mums and a TA.
Frazer out of percussion and now it's time for Parents Evening time to begin. We have no babysitter so I left the children in a little room to wait and play while we talk to their teachers...
Scarlett - Fine, no problems at all. A genuine pleasure to work with, doing great at reading, writing and numeracy. Has grown in confidence, speaks up, makes friends, creative, hard working and has fantastic general knowledge.
Frazer - Doing OK. He's not behind in anything, but I get the impression he's not excelling at all either. He's managing to make a few friends now and seems happy at school. His teacher is pleased that his confidence is growing and is going to have a meeting with his next year teacher about how he doesn't respond well to pressure etc. He really needs to work on his writing though - he just doesn't like it! She suggested keeping it fun - asking him to write lists about things important to him, factual stuff, things he's done or would like to do - there was more, wish I could remember! Will have to ask again.
Rowan - Obviously not a meeting about his educational level, but he's happy at school and has recently became even more happy in appearance. He chats with teachers, plays alongside other children and is able to vocalise very well when he doesn't want to play with someone.
The problem came about when another parent made us very late by taking up our appointment time! We left the school stressed and late, it was pouring with rain and so we decided to get a bus home. Why do I do it?
The station was packed and Liam panicked, needing to be back for Kung Fu, so he jogged home. we waited about 20 minutes and the bus was packed when we got on. I had some weird arse of a woman moaning about 'THAT BOY IN THE WELLIES IS REALLY ANNOYING ME' in not-undertones to the bloke she was with, even though Rowan wasn't doing anything. Maybe she was jealous because she was stupidly in flip-flops (snigger).
After aaaaages there were a few seats spread over the back end of the bus so we all sat. The bus took about 40 minutes to get from the station to what should be a 5 minute walk down the road. I was desperate to get off, but it was still pouring down and I felt sorry for the children. Eventually Scarlett and Rowan fell asleep and Frazer started feeling sick, then the bus turned a corner in to a *really* clear road..... and stopped. 'Last stop!' the driver shouted, much to my dismay! I admit I began to argue - how could this be the last stop!? It's supposed to go to the garage! My children are asleep on here! I paid for this bloody journey and it's pouring down outside!
He was offering tickets for the bus behind but not refunds and insisted he had been told not to carry on with passengers. Fecking git.
So I woke my sleeping babies up and coaxed them off the bus, in to the pouring rain. As it had taken us so long to get nowhere at all, no way was I going to make us wait while it's pissing down, for another bus to make it through that traffic. So we walked home, as fast as we could, as I suspected the housing association meeting began at 6!
I dashed the children in, told them to get pyjamas on, made them jam sandwiches and grabbed some bananas and books to keep them quiet. Bless my little angels, they were so good at this meeting.
I was an hour late but no one minded, in fact they were all pleased that I had come at all. Rowan fell asleep and I had to carry him home. I think I managed to cover most of my points while at the meeting and handed over my letter to the appropriate person (might try to C&P the letter here tomorrow). We got home and ate a late dinner then read a story with a hot chocolate before scooting off to bed.
My poor babies must be so tired, I know I am!
I was so furious at that bus driver - I was swearing away like a good'un. Gah! you would not believe! And then when we were a little way down the path, the bus we were on shot past, on the now perfectly clear road!
Oh well, now I need to go. I need to sort out 3 extra special packed lunches, as Frazer and Scarlett are on school trips tomorrow (Scarlett at the transport museum and Frazer at Leysdown, hope the weather improves!), plus my 5 impossible proofs of ID, plus all teh usual stuff - and i need to be extra organised with Liam leaving the house super early for this job interview that he's really anxious about.
He's doing really great though. Normally he's super stress-head and upsets everyone, but this time he has been quietly nervous, bringing it up in conversation with me from time to time. I hope I'm being supportive enough, I don't feel it.
Wish him luck for tomorrow, please.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Prince Caspian - great. Weight gain - not.
OK I'm updating you with some Stuff. Yes, that's Stuff with a capital S. So there.
I took us all to see Prince Caspian the other weekend - it was really good, but not quite so good as The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. But then TLTW&TW is really the only one of the Narnia series to be properly film-worthy by today's standards IMO. They changed so little from the book with that film, but Prince Caspian had a few chunks missing and a couple of new ideas thrown in too. But it worked! It was good to watch, good battle scenes and lots of mysterious creatures, etc. I wont give too much away, but I will be buying it when it's out!
Liam bought the whole series of Narnia on paperback book form and I'm going to read it to the children over the holidays! I'm really looking forward to it, they are at an age now whee they don't need picture books - Frazer and Scarlett anyway, Frazer especially gets good enjoyment from it, but even Rowan sits quietly and I can almost see him imagining the story in his mind, it's so sweet.
I've also promised 'Matilda' though, I'll have to see which they want first!
What else has been happening...?
Well, tattoo plans are still going ahead. Sarah Street has drawn up beautiful plans and sent them to me. Tonks dutifully ate them, and my wonderful children spilled water on them. How I managed to salvage anything I do not know, but it still looks great! I have been told that in total it could take about 10 hours, but advised that I might only be able to take 3 hours at first, since I've not been inked before. Sarah has been on maternity leave until last week, but is already booked up until August 31st!
Do you know what that means? No baby trying until then! Damn! I was gutted, really gutted, but I am coming to terms with it now. I think I've waited so long that a bit longer wont hurt. The pained part of me wonders if it will ever happen, but I think a lot of this worry stems from the fact that I feel so secure as a family unit with 3 children.
The breastfeeding peer counsellor training is going so well - better than I had thought it would be before I started the course. Not just going over things I already know, as there is so much more! Plus so many other things to take in to consideration; cultural awareness, child abuse, diseases, etc. It's been loads of fun, and now we only have two sessions left. Next week there is nothing, then two weeks more and then in September we have our graduation ceremony. I'm pleasantly surprised that they go to such fuss for us!
Tonks is doing good. She's getting to be a big girl now and chilling out a lot. I am looking forward to spending more time with her in the holidays, and worrying about her less. Having said that, I will be getting her neutered soon, and so will have that to worry about!
Liam is sill insistent that if I *ever* get another dog he will instantly move out. It's such a shame as I would save incessantly (for a long time, they're so expensive) to buy an Alaskan Klee Kai
Wow I would really Love one! I have always wanted a Husky dog, they are sch beautiful creatures. But I know, I am sure that I just wouldn't have the time and dedication to spare for such a demanding breed. A teeny tiny version though, is a different matter! I could do that, and Love every minute. Never mind. *sob* *sniff*
the children had their school carnival on Friday - it was lovely! Frazer was a rainbow, Scarlett was a volcano and Rowan was a flower. They paraded around the edge of the school and loads of parents and family were there to cheer them on, plus what looked like the whole of the (small) neighbouring school. Then they went to their AstroTurf bit and sung songs, and Frazer did a percussion performance - he really likes this! He was great, he told me that he was nervous when he got on to the stage with his friends, but he soon got in to it and enjoyed himself. I think the drums are a great start to this kind of thing, a steady beat led by their teacher with other children going along too.
I went back to Fatty Club recently (Slimming World) as the half stone over target that I had been hovering at for so long finally took me over 'the next stone zone' and I was over 10st. When I finally got to the class to weigh, I was 1lb short of being a whole stone over weight! I lost 6lbs relatively quickly, but this week (my third week I think) I gained 2lbs. I'm quite pee'd off with this - that last half stone is such a bugger to shift. It's even more of a pain because I need to be healthy about it. I know that if I slip in to eating disorder mode I could shift it in a week easily. I had a fantastic weight loss a few months back - but I didn't eat more than a minute amount of calories for a whole week. It's weird that someone like me, who never stops eating, could do that, but I can. I think EDs are something you can't ever get rid of though. Once they are there they don't leave. You can spend the rest of your days eating normally, but it's always there underneath, and most of the time it's a battle to ignore it.
I took us all to see Prince Caspian the other weekend - it was really good, but not quite so good as The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. But then TLTW&TW is really the only one of the Narnia series to be properly film-worthy by today's standards IMO. They changed so little from the book with that film, but Prince Caspian had a few chunks missing and a couple of new ideas thrown in too. But it worked! It was good to watch, good battle scenes and lots of mysterious creatures, etc. I wont give too much away, but I will be buying it when it's out!
Liam bought the whole series of Narnia on paperback book form and I'm going to read it to the children over the holidays! I'm really looking forward to it, they are at an age now whee they don't need picture books - Frazer and Scarlett anyway, Frazer especially gets good enjoyment from it, but even Rowan sits quietly and I can almost see him imagining the story in his mind, it's so sweet.
I've also promised 'Matilda' though, I'll have to see which they want first!
What else has been happening...?
Well, tattoo plans are still going ahead. Sarah Street has drawn up beautiful plans and sent them to me. Tonks dutifully ate them, and my wonderful children spilled water on them. How I managed to salvage anything I do not know, but it still looks great! I have been told that in total it could take about 10 hours, but advised that I might only be able to take 3 hours at first, since I've not been inked before. Sarah has been on maternity leave until last week, but is already booked up until August 31st!
Do you know what that means? No baby trying until then! Damn! I was gutted, really gutted, but I am coming to terms with it now. I think I've waited so long that a bit longer wont hurt. The pained part of me wonders if it will ever happen, but I think a lot of this worry stems from the fact that I feel so secure as a family unit with 3 children.
The breastfeeding peer counsellor training is going so well - better than I had thought it would be before I started the course. Not just going over things I already know, as there is so much more! Plus so many other things to take in to consideration; cultural awareness, child abuse, diseases, etc. It's been loads of fun, and now we only have two sessions left. Next week there is nothing, then two weeks more and then in September we have our graduation ceremony. I'm pleasantly surprised that they go to such fuss for us!
Tonks is doing good. She's getting to be a big girl now and chilling out a lot. I am looking forward to spending more time with her in the holidays, and worrying about her less. Having said that, I will be getting her neutered soon, and so will have that to worry about!
Liam is sill insistent that if I *ever* get another dog he will instantly move out. It's such a shame as I would save incessantly (for a long time, they're so expensive) to buy an Alaskan Klee Kai
Wow I would really Love one! I have always wanted a Husky dog, they are sch beautiful creatures. But I know, I am sure that I just wouldn't have the time and dedication to spare for such a demanding breed. A teeny tiny version though, is a different matter! I could do that, and Love every minute. Never mind. *sob* *sniff*
the children had their school carnival on Friday - it was lovely! Frazer was a rainbow, Scarlett was a volcano and Rowan was a flower. They paraded around the edge of the school and loads of parents and family were there to cheer them on, plus what looked like the whole of the (small) neighbouring school. Then they went to their AstroTurf bit and sung songs, and Frazer did a percussion performance - he really likes this! He was great, he told me that he was nervous when he got on to the stage with his friends, but he soon got in to it and enjoyed himself. I think the drums are a great start to this kind of thing, a steady beat led by their teacher with other children going along too.
I went back to Fatty Club recently (Slimming World) as the half stone over target that I had been hovering at for so long finally took me over 'the next stone zone' and I was over 10st. When I finally got to the class to weigh, I was 1lb short of being a whole stone over weight! I lost 6lbs relatively quickly, but this week (my third week I think) I gained 2lbs. I'm quite pee'd off with this - that last half stone is such a bugger to shift. It's even more of a pain because I need to be healthy about it. I know that if I slip in to eating disorder mode I could shift it in a week easily. I had a fantastic weight loss a few months back - but I didn't eat more than a minute amount of calories for a whole week. It's weird that someone like me, who never stops eating, could do that, but I can. I think EDs are something you can't ever get rid of though. Once they are there they don't leave. You can spend the rest of your days eating normally, but it's always there underneath, and most of the time it's a battle to ignore it.
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