Thursday, January 24, 2008


just want someone to moan to really, or talk, might get moany though.

I'm so tired. I went to bed really late last night and felt so drained and ill. This morning Liam took Frazer and Scarlett to school so that gave me the chance to have a bit of a lie in bed and catch up on sleep a little. My eyes are still stinging though.
Then again, I wonder how much the eye problem is due to me needing glasses, or needing to wear them more often anyway. I've had glasses since I was at school, but only usually need them for looking distances, but recently my eyes have been stinging and taking a while to adjust after reading.

I'm feeling more tired this evening because Liam will be late home again. Last night was kung fu, but tonight he is off to a freecycler about some gardening tools for his new allotment. The allotment is a lovely idea, but I can't help wondering how much less time that means we will spend together, I feel like I'm seeing him less and less.
He has quite a journey for these tools, and goodness know how he will get them back again. I'm picturing him with a rake, fork, shovel and hoe, with a few little bits and dropping them all over various bus routes! He's going to be late in, I hope he walks the dog tonight; he didn't yesterday!
Oh, just mailed him and he's not got as far to go as I had thought, phew - might see him tonight then!

Rowan had a really happy day going in to nursery today - I was so pleased. He ran from the gate to the door and walked in confidently. He still wont change his book though, and he's had the same one since he started, 2 weeks ago! And it's one we have at home! He wanted me to leave him with a teacher and he was very happy when I did.
i quickly stopped off at the library to grab Frazer his first chapter book (Horrid Henry's nits) and then I did what I often do today and sat in the shopping centre eating bit, reading for my upcoming course. My tutor mailed me last night, and I received details in the post about tutorials. They're at a different venue this time, and I dread having to find my way around another huge university! I just hope they keep to the same room in the building each time with this course.

Right now i should be fixing dinner, or at least tidying up. the children are on the floor (Rowan being stubborn and wont change out of his uniform), Frazer making horrid noises as usual and playing with Rowan's work bench, Roz is now on it and she's trying to get his attention - probably purring away up there! Scarlett is playing with her new fairy house that I bought from the Disney store; it's tiny - like old style Polly pocket and really sweet. Rowan has been bugging her all this time by hiding fairies. I wish she wouldn't play with them on the floor - Tonks is bound to chew up a fairy, or Roz to run off with one.

Speaking of Rosaline, she managed to pull her buster collar off this morning, and as I was in a rush I thought I'd leave it off her and see how she went. She was having a wash, which was to be expected after not being able to, but she wasn't washing the bald area.
Well i got home from school and there it was - all red and wet looking again, and I could swear she's made it bigger already. So back on goes the collar - I wonder how long she will need it for, and if it will ever get better. I'm fed up with keeping her indoors - she's an out cat through and through and I feel guilty. As well as annoyed about the litter tray, lol
Tonks, that disgusting mutt, keeps eating the cat poo - yeuch. You'd think she had crappy food or something (no pun intended!), but I think she's doing ok. Her official food is still Burns - the best dry do food that can be bought I think. But I've been trying to give her more and more raw meat and bones - best for a dog's diet as this is what they are made for eating! Today I gave her a whole turkey drumstick - HUGE! Never done that before - I've bought them for her but usually give either the meat or bone, but today she got it all in one go. It must have kept her busy for a while when I was at the school!

Agh, I really wish Frazer would stop with those noises. Why he does it no one knows. I think he's being an alarm right now. They're all at it (just not as loud as him) because there was a fire drill at school today.

Heartburn - still! I've bloody had it for days now and it's driving me mad. Coupled with sore boobs I'd swear I was pregnant if it wasn't for the mirena.

ah well, I suppose I'd better get cooking dinner. I hate cooking dinner.

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