Sunday, January 13, 2008

Boxing day

OK I'd better get down what happened or I never will! We've already had New Year's eve, two birthdays, a new school term and party planning since I last posted!

Boxing day worked out really lovely - my friend Sarah came over with her two daughters, they are lovely, one just a bit younger than Rowan and one in between Frazer and Scarlett in age. The only problem was that the younger daughter was scared of Tonks, but I had forgotten to give Tonks her giant turkey bone the day before so she has something to keep her occupied and I think she barely resented being shut away for most of the day! i did keep it so that her door was open but blocked her exit with the table; it meant that people couldn't use the downstairs loo, but she could see us and i let her out when ever I could.
My mum seemed a bit out of sorts and I began to get really worried at one point, thinking that she hated it at mine and we'd never do this again. However, I received a call from her a couple of days later to say that she'd just been let out of hospital - she went in after coming to mine on Boxing Day and was diagnosed with pneumonia! Honestly that woman runs herself in to the ground - before Christmas she was told she had a dislocated shoulder that had been like it for at least 2 weeks! She must have been in agony but says she didn't have the time to feel it.

Liam's friend Bryan came over on Boxing Day too which was really lovely because we all think he's great. He had to go eventually as he had a date, but Rowan clung on to his leg for dear life, not wanting him to go at all!

We didn't get to play many games s we spent so much time catching up, but I think the children got their fair share. Of course there was the usual present dash and food fest anyway!
when everyone was gone we got to snuggle down in our new pyjamas and the kiddies had their cosy slippers and we watched Doctor Who. Not as great as we had been hoping for but Frazer enjoyed it and that was my main objective.

The day after Boxing Day we spent at Liam's mum's. a much quieter day, especially since Frazer took his ipod shuffle so we barely heard a peep from him while it was on. the festivities gradually died down from here on. Liam had a few days off which was lovely, so we got to slouch about together eating all the yummies and watching festive films.

New Year's eve was very uneventful. I find that if I don't have something big to look forward to in the new year, then I really need to be out to ring the new year in and take my mind off it - I just seem to find it depressing otherwise. which would explain why I went to bed at 11:35pm and got all narked off at the fireworks!
i had a bit of a depressive period about this time and wasn't sure if it was the anti-climax to the festivities, or a new year not holding much for me or what. I have concluded now though, that it may be in part these things, but mainly hormonal, because in the end the dark cloud went as fast as it arrived and I feel pretty normal now. The only problem is that each time I get like this, a little more of the niggling worries sticks with me - I really need to shake that.

Anyway - onwards and upwards! I have a princess party to organise dontcha know!

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