Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Last ditch attempt...

This time I am *going* to get some pictures up. In the right place, the right size and not taking forever! If I can't do it then I give up!

OK, well that one's there - looks pretty mad huh?

And this one is sweet, I just wish I took it a bit clearer:

Gah - no! It wont work dammit and now I look a prat. The first picture should be of the manic straw and the second should be down here, and of the pumpkin picture. Me and Scarlett had our photo taken (the boys wouldn't cooperate) and then they gave us a pack of pumpkin seeds plus photo in exchange for our comments on the day written on the back of the photo you see in my picture, which was put in their 'allotment' of comments.

OK photos and blogger. You can forget it now. Clearly I am just NOT capable of such a task.
Bloddy stupid thing *mumble mumble grumble*


Anonymous said...

After Uploading the pics just drag and drop to the right position in the post.

Sundancer said...

huh? you're not seriously telling me it's that easy?

Oh FGS,,, *bangshead at own stupidity*