So last week started well. I went back to Slimming World after a week of trying to pull it back together after my illness week. I did lose loads that week, but I'm sure it's not from eating less, it's more likely to be the fact that I've started going home in the afternoons, bringing my day's walking up to at least 9 miles!
Well I got to my target weight AT LAST. I've only been trying since the beginning of the year! It started off with a poxy half stone to lose and got worse and worse. Not going to let that happen again (I hope!). I actually went below target, so set it a little higher than what I was, because I know just a few lbs can make quite a difference in how much I struggle. Oh, I also got Slimmer of the Week! Joint with a couple of other women, but still, woohoo!
Frazer came out of school with a cut lip on Monday. Not a big one, and I forgot to ask about it. Liam told me later that Frazer said James had punched him in the face twice that day! I've spoken to Frazer about it, but as usual, he really plays things down. He doesn't want any hassle, and doesn't want to get anyone else in to trouble - this is just how he is. In the end he said (compromised?) that James had done it once by accident, and once because he was being silly/mean.
I spoke to his teacher, who was great about it. Because of my graduation I couldn't speak to her in the morning, so asked if I could 'have a word after school' - I always want to LOL at how that must strike fear in to every teacher's heart, just as it does for us parents!
She admitted that she doesn't know the class very well yet, but has been keeping an eye on Frazer. There's been a crane thingie parked outside their class and it's been making them a bit loopy apparently, it's gone now though. She was very sorry that Frazer had been hurt, and as I suspected, she doesn't recall telling him to sit down after him telling her he had been hit. I'm guessing he used his super quiet voice. I don't think James will be silly again, he's not normally.
She has been watching him - I can tell from what she says of him. Firstly that he seems worried all the time, like he's scared he is about to be shouted at (yet he is one of the most sensible children in the school!). She has also seen how he sits alone sometimes in the playground - which I am glad of, because I had asked other teachers and they had never noticed. She approached him the other day to ask if he had anyone to play with and he said yes, although it was quite clear he had not.
I don't really know what to do about that. His teacher sent over some other children to play, and I told her how I know he is dependant on Scarlett - I think he has been wolfing down his lunch in order to get in to the playground while she is still out, as infants play finishes earlier.
At least he has a teacher that is aware, and keeping an eye. On a *far* better note - he has an achievements assembly this week, on Friday (and Liam has the day off!), of which he is so proud that it's a pleasure to see.
Tuesday was graduation day and I had fun!
Me and Liam were both dressed smartly, and even though not everyone made quite the same effort, we had a great time and I didn't feel odd. It was lovely, good speeches by people I admire about subjects I am passionate about. We all presented our posters - I ended up presenting three! My own, the woman in our group that could not be there, and the joint group effort.
They were good though. We had one demonstrating that breastfeeding is more than just another lifestyle choice (pics of choosing a car, holiday etc), it is an important health decision (pic of sick baby and worried parents)
Mine was of many different coloured mums breastfeeding in a row - the United Colours of Breastfeeding - as it is one of the things that unites women, regardless of background, across the globe. The idea is blatantly stolen, but rearranged a little and it works.
The group effort, which was a quick one as we didn't want to waste fab pictures - was of a woman breastfeeding in the middle (a happy laughing mum watching her toddler on a swing!) and other mammals being fed in 4 pictures around it. Simple wording: My baby, My milk - but thinking back, I reckon it would make a really good poster in a pre-school setting.
We were presented with our certificates by Dame Donna Kinnair - she is fab - and we also got a Breastfeeding 'Bible' - the La Leche League Breastfeeding Answer Book - it's rather huge! Oh, we also got a shiney BFPC b

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