Friday, September 19, 2008

Fecking policemen!

I got told off by a copper on the way home.

There's a small green space with a playground on our way home from school; we were cutting through it on our way back this afternoon, the first time with both Scarlett and Rowan on wheels (scarlett bike, Rowan scooter) and they were shooting off ahead more than they normally would.
They went right out of the gate at the end, but I could see that they slowed down as they exited- I shouted - proper bellowed after them to come back as I couldn't quite see them, but I knew they wouldn't go near the road or the fence sperarting them from it IYKWIM?

Two policemen were walking along right by Scarlett and Rowan as they reached the gate, then one turned back to call in to the park to me, telling me that my children were outside. I said I know.
He said I shouldn't let them do that really, and I said I know.
I was tempted to inform him that they've survived this long, I think I know them well enough to know when to worry, but I kept my mouth shut.

Then at the crossing I could see that this policeman kept staring at me. I don't know if he knew I could see him, as I was wearing my big sunglasses, he probably did. Anyway, then there was a break in the traffic, so him and the other copper crossed over.

I couldn't help it then. I called after him that they probably shouldn't be crossing busy roads at a red light in front of children!
He looked back and said, I didn't realise, had it changed? I said No! Then crossed as it just turned to the green man then.

Felt kinda smug, but shaky, you know what I'm like! But I've been internally ranting ever since!
You'd think the police would actually stop the children and tell them to go back to their mum really wouldn't you? Rather than try to do a telling off when you can see she's laden down with bags (the bags the kids can't carry because they are on wheels, naturally) and another child anyway. And even this part aside, they should definitely be setting an example of road safety to smalls - he thought he was so clever having a go at me, I'm quite glad I answered back!

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