Thursday, June 19, 2008

Breast Feeding Awareness

I'd still been smarting abotu losing my post to be honest, so that explains my quiet. I need somewhere to vent though, so here it comes...

Breast milk is not a *magic potion* - It's not fantastic, the best or special.
Breast milk is the biological norm. Formula - artificial - modified cows milk is simply a substance that falls below the norm.

Breastfed babies are not more intelligent because they were brought up on a magical liquid: they are of *normal* intelect. Formula fed babies are more likely to be of lower intelligence. It makes sense if you think about it - feeding a mammal the food naturally intended for it's growth will provide optimal development as nature intended. Feeding a mammal modified milk created for another species is never going to live up to the real thing.

I just do not understand why people are willing to believe the many, many studies that prove cigarettes to be cancerous, dangerous and often lethal - yet these same people refuse to believe that studies just as valid prove that non-breastfed humans are at higher risk!
We all know people that were artificially fed who are intelligent or allergy free - these people are an exception from the rule, and lucky them! I know of people that smoked 30 a day until they died of a ripe old age at 80, but it's not healthy to smoke is it?

These results are not the findings of silly little studies. They are based on years of research and they have covered people from many backgrounds - wealthy, middle or lower classes.
It is my belief that so many lower class/benefits mums bottle feed because it is handed out to them for free!

Cows milk is not the devil's juice - it has a place. About 1% of mothers can not breastfeed, and without the resources of donor human milk banks, we need an alternative. We should be aware though that the tins on the shelves of our supermarkets are recommended to be a last resort; the least desired alternative.

Mothers that formula feed often get angry. I believe they have every right to be angry! But I also believe the anger is misplaced when it is aimed at pro-breastfeeders.
I believe in choice - but there is no choice when mothers are forced to make an uninformed decision.
Would you make a lifestyle choice simply because of the lovey dovey fluffiness and bond fulfillment? Maybe not, I probably wouldn't. But if you were told that the alternative could increase your child's chance of death so significantly, I believe you might think again.


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